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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Big meat for sale 2001-03-14 08:51:53 Scenes from the Train Station

Dear Oscar Meyer Advertising People,

Believe me, I am about as far away from vegetarianism as you can get. Beef, it's what's for dinner. Pork is sweet meat. Chicken, well, tastes just like chicken.

humongous sandwich meat

But humongous pictures of processed sandwich meat are just not appetizing. Please stop.




I launched my banner ad. Damn, I've gotten a buttload of hits from it, too. So much for a leisurely change of my page design. Andrew says the ads will only take a few days to cycle through the 10,000 views.

This is what it looks like if you don't happen to see it in the wild.

banner ad

And a message to my new avid readers: You, from, on the Eastern coast, who read every single entry I've written. If you read that much, you know the rule. More than 25 page views, and you have to sign the guestbook.

You too, from who came in from Waterbelle's pitas (thanks, Belle) and looked at 50 pages yesterday. 'Fess up.

Gollom did. He's a real man.

Shout outs to Nicole, a brave woman indeed (see my Guestbook. And to AppleMama, who's been a Legionairre for a while now.


Family dinner last night rocked. The dish was steak strips with black beans in a red sauce with chipolte peppers, served over pasta. Oh. Yeah.

I hung out in the kitchen while Sara cooked. So did Jake and Deb for a bit, but they eventually retired to the front porch to sit and drink wine. That gave me and Sara a chance to grope and stuff in between chopping and sauteeing.

I was about to go back to our house for a smoke at one point when Sara said, "Oh, too bad. I was just about to have some time to make out with you. Damn nicotine addiction." Naturally, I sat back down where I was and denied that I was going for a cig. So, I guess they call that "lying." But I got to have Sara on my lap for a bit. *grin*

Have I mentioned lately that I love my family?

We watched another old season 2 episode of "Buffy"�the one where Xander accidently casts a love spell on every woman in the vicinity except Cordelia, who was the target of the spell. It was extra good for the prominence of pre-vamp Harmony, the epitome of dumb bitch.

We followed up with Deb's amazing chocolate caramel ice cream. In fact, the four of us polished off Jake and Sara's entire ccic allotment. I felt bad about that ... for about 2.5 seconds.


If you read Sara's diary, you'll see that she dogged me for chewing her up so bad after bragging that I was getting really good at not leaving marks.

I will own to that. That's what happens when you brag about something. I don't know what I was thinking, making brash statements like that.

But I will reiterate the facts. Though she looks like a mule kicked her in the shoulder now, she was not complaining at the time. And it doesn't show as long as she's got a shirt on.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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