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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
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Zen Slut

Trout and Proud 2001-03-12 08:58:12 Well Sunday was a great day. We all hung out together for most of the day. Sara and I went for a 3.5 mile walk (she had done 6 on Sat.) and got a little sun. Then the whole fam lounged around in the back yard, reading and talking.

I went in to take a quick shower and nap before it was time to start dinner. I crawled into bed completely naked and prepared to snooze. First Sara came in and visited for a bit, kiss kiss snuggle snuggle. Then Deb came in and there was more of the same. The women finally left me alone (I am NOT complaining) long enough for me to catch 40 winks, and then Deb came in again.

I asked if she'd come in to wake me up because I needed to start the grill. She said, no, she was hoping I'd turn over and get bizzy. Well, all right. So, though we didn't get to have sex that morning, we had a lovely romp yesterday afternoon. I even had her fuck me. (Well, technically, just put a couple fingers inside and hold mostly still while I got off with the vibrator.) Shhhh. Don't tell anybody. I have a reputation to maintain.


Last night I grilled the rainbow trout that Ricky gave us. Done just exactly right. I'm really proud of myself. I did get some advice from Ricky on how long to cook it and how to season it. And borrowed a fish basket to put on the grill.

I also cut that baby's head off and filleted it myself. That was a first. I made the severed head talk to Debbie like a decapitated ichthyopuppet. But she didn't think it was nearly as funny as I did. Sara thought it was funny.

Anyway, it tasted great.


I'm so proud. I got a Google hit for "heavy petting techniques," and I was the Number 1 search result. Two results ahead of Nina Hartley's guide to heavy petting (which sounds like something I should check out).

Nina, if you've never heard of her, is a stripper and sex educator. Deb got to meet her once and actually posed with her (along with some other women) for a Polaroid. Nina is posing butt toward the camera, sprawled over these women's laps, and looking back over her shoulder; Deb's hand is on Nina's bare ass. It's a cool pic.


Tonight is date night. Woo-hoo. Sara has more than indicated that she's all better and rarin' to go. In fact, she was kind of in a gropey, ready-to-be-taken mood yesterday, and I'm hoping that holds on until tonight. Rowrrr.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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