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President Bite Me 2001-03-11 08:08:40 Ahhh vindication. Smells good, doesn't it? Even if it is too late to change the outcome. So I was reading this story about how Gore would've won the election if not for the butterfly ballot confusion and thinking, "Oh, let me step back because later today all the Republicans will spittle-spraying spew about how this recount is all a bunch of malarky and just the propaganda of the liberal media." Sure enough, there it was on the jump page.

"You're trying too hard to find a correlation here. You don't know these people. You don't know what they intended. You try to compile statistics and correlate them to a result that amounts to nothing but speculation." �former Montana Gov. Marc Racicot

So logical thought doesn't play a role in your world, Gov? (And your name sounds really faggy, BTW.)

I'm just happy because there was such a nice juicy margin. That's going to be a Fuller Brush up Bush's ass for his whole term. 'Course, since he was a frat boy and all, he might be used to that kind of thing.


Deb got a package containing a couple bottles of wine last week. The box was marked "fragile." Can anyone who's seen the movie "A Christmas Story" not look at the word "fragile" and think, "Frah-JEEL-ayyy. Ahhh! It must be Italian"?


I'm extremely proud of myself for installing a USB card on my motherboard last night. I had made several calls and an extended net search for somewhere to buy a serial cable for my new Canon PowerShot G1 so that I could download pics at home. No luck.

Then I remembered reading somewhere about some unit that would let you install USB ports in an older mac for about $150. Ha! I found out those things only cost $30-40 bucks.

I took the motorcycle down to a CompUSA. I hate supporting McPuters, but I really wanted to get this done this weekend. Otherwise I would've ordered through MacWarehouse, which has fast delivery, good prices and excellent customer service. But they still can't get it to you same-day.

Anyway, I picked up some dog food and the card and then drove up to Midtown to visit Deb. There I went to a little pet store and took some pictures of their snake. I'm going to use the scale texture it in my new page design. I'm trying for a more thematic look. Plus, I've got to play with all the new Photoshop stuff I learned in class.

Logged 46 miles on the motorcycle, and what a beautiful day for it.

I'm also going to do the D-land subscription thing. Love D-land. Love Andrew. That will give me a chance to store my private stuff on my own web space and my D-land stuff here. With the 10,000 ad views, though, I'll be taking my picture off the site in the new design. Love my cute mug while you can. I'll probably still put it up when it's relevant, but just from time to time.


And speaking of Photoshop stuff, I highly recommend Ben Willmore's seminar. He was a great teacher, most notably because he doesn't just tell you what to do but explains how the different features and tools work.

Unfortunately, the building where the class was held was awful. One of those newish tech-y office buildings that have individual architects yet still manage to all look the same. Cold. Impersonal. Inspiring zero comfort level. The Apple office was okay. But the big common dining area for the whole building? Ick. Colorful-yet-bad art that clearly was an afterthought and shoved over into one corner and plots of perfect fake plants and trees did nothing to warm up the atmosphere. I felt like I was eating lunch in a prison for white collar criminals.


There's a chance I might get to make love to my wife this morning, so I'm going to go finish reading the paper and drinking coffee. The girls will be over for brunch in a couple of hours. Alas, it's not a bacon day.

Speaking of Bacon Day: Mig, oh, Mig, what were you thinking? Manufacturers who try to produce vegetarian "just like meat " products make it not only "not good," but actually hideously repulsive shit you wish you'd never put in your mouth and can't get rid of the burnt plastic taste for a couple of hours because that's what they think meat should taste like.

Amante, my love, I am making time this afternoon to catch up on your diary. I stopped by yesterday with only enough time to read one entry, and you made me break out into a sweat.

And finally, Gawain, I tried to write a good smart ass reply in your guestbook when you talked about making up having a dream about having sex with me, and the GB just wouldn't comply. Honestly, I think you look cute and very fuckable. Don't let the lesbian thing fool you. If you think your ass could take it ... (*Badsnake listens for the sound of Gawain's sphincter muscles slamming shut from hundreds of miles away.)


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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