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WITW Part 1 answer 2001-03-04 08:29:18 WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE JAKE AND DEB? part 1 answer

Mig, you truly understand the nature of this game. You are so lucky I didn't have a mouth full of coffee when I read that. There are no lesbian pancakes for someone who makes me snort hot caffeinated beverage into my sinuses. I had never really noticed that about Denzel, but you are so right. Florida does indeed look much like Denzel in profile, except D's nuts are larger.

But you failed to guess correctly.

Abbey, you are trying to hard, and I love you for it. You also seem to be under the impression that we're in a much higher tax bracket or something. Just because we're finks (four incomes, no kids), doesn't mean we're rolling in it. Remember Deb's idea of what my big virtue: frugality.

I am so excited to have such avid competitors!

Anyway, yesterday's "Where in the world are Jake and Deb?" was a TRICK QUESTION. But not really if you know my family and know how plans tend to change at the last minute. Deb and Jake did some Weather Channel watching yesterday morning, and there were terrible storms and tornadoes expected in the vicinity of their destination, so they delayed the trip for a day.

While Sara and I were messing around, Deb and Jake were just on a lunch and shopping jaunt to give us some time together so that my head wouldn't explode from the after effects of all the plans changing around so much.

First it was "Everything is go" and the girls were expected to leave for their vacation at 11:00 a.m. Leaving me with a bit of time to play with Sara between chiro and her work.

Then it was "We'll leave tomorrow" and Deb would be at home all day and wanted me to go to Target with her, which I really wasn't in the mood to do, and I wouldn't get any time with Sara at all.

Finally it came down to, "We'll leave tomorrow, but by the time you get back from chiro, Deb and Jake will be gone to a movie or somewhere for a few hours because Sara wants to spend some time with you today."

I was happy to get it. I could feel the pressure building up in my cranium.

This morning we're having a special "'cause we're actually on vacation" Bacon Day, and Deb and Jake are planning to leave for real some time before noon. Also some time around noon, a friend of Sara's, Z, is planning to come in from out of town to stay with us for a day or two. I don't really know how long.

But he does know that this is a rare play weekend for us, and that we're probably just going to set him up in their house and ignore him, leaving him to fend for himself, which, luckily, he's pretty good at.

Also later today, I'm going to call my boss at home and tell him I'm taking a personal day on Monday. Not the best week for it, but I've covered for his panic-attacking ass plenty of times, and he owes me.

I plan to post the Part 2 clues for "Where in the world are Jake and Deb?" this evening after Sara goes to work (7 p.m.). Get your thinking caps ready.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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