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Spatula Holsters and Romance 2000-12-21 16:59:40 My entry today is dedicated to unfortunate fashion-conscious women who are now forced to walk around in clump-heeled spatula holsters passing as shoes.

Last night's family dinner was fabulous, as usual. Deb made perogies (I don't know the spelling, but they're potato-filled ravioli type things) covered with tomatoes, green chili peppers, black olives, and pork marinated in a vinegar-based something from our last family dinner.

I'm reading "The Conventional Marriage" by Georgette Heyer. I've been told it's a classic and will not have any sex scenes. That's okay. It's incredibly proper and funny in the manner of Jane Austin. I picked it up after tossing down "The Passion of Patrick MacNeill" by Virginia Kantra. I recently finished Kantra's "Mad Dog and Annie," which was pretty good, but the "Passion of Pat" one was just too formulaic. I stopped reading about 25 pages from the end. I knew how it would all turn out, and I didn't care to bother reading it. On the other hand, I also just finished Christina Dodd's "Rules of Surrender" and "Rules of Engagement" and thought they were both marvelous. Something attracts me to the books where the heroine has never seen a cock and, of course, she's a virgin, and then you get a bunch of really hot sex scenes. Sigh. I've roleplayed a virgin scene with Sara before (as teenage characters), with quite a few makeout dates to lead up to it, and it was phenomenally exciting. I think these books bring a little of that scene back to me (and my heaving loins).

This afternoon we're looking forward to sleet/rain/snow mix here in Atlanta. Whee. I'd kind of like to see snow from up here on the 22nd floor downtown, but all we've had so far is misty rain and some ice pellets. I left my car unlocked at the MARTA station in case it's covered in an ice sheet when I get off the train.

Tonight, it's "Gilmore Girls" night. We taped last night's episode; this evening is the second part. I'm hoping I can convince Deb to stay up to watch the whole two hours with me, but her cold is getting much worse. Dammit. Sara says the saccharine level of "GG" is just too much for her. Ha. She watches "7th Heaven," so who is she to judge? I don't think syrup factors in when you want to fuck the main character.

And speaking of which, Sara and I had a wonderful date on Tuesday night. We played with our characters Joe and Sara�yeah, her alias is actually a character name ... so what�the motorcycle cop and his sexy neighbor who's shown him how to cut loose his sadist side while he remains, at heart, "a good guy." The evening was a lovely mix of rough and tender. I used the handcuffs and boot knife on her. She ejaculated so hard it splashed my chest and soaked my boxer briefs. Ungh. Sara fell asleep in my arms at the end, and I hated to have to wake her up. I'm telling you, words cannot convey how sexy this woman is and how studly she makes me feel.

Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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