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Cast & Glossary 2000-12-20 22:16:12 Badsnake Loosed Cast of Characters and Glossary of Terms, last updated 12.28.00

Alias: The names I�m using instead of the real names of my family

Attic: Where Sara and I have most of our dates. It�s a finished room with two futons, a regular mattress-type bed, a weight bench, and a St. Andrew�s Cross. It�s where I keep all my toys.

Date: A prearranged allotment of time for sex with secondary partner

Deb: My wonderful wife, who�s tougher than she thinks she is, incredibly insightful (sometimes annoyingly so), smart, nurturing and strong. She laughs real loud, talks a good game, cusses in mixed company, knows wine, knows me, cooks like a dream and rarely the same thing twice, comforts us when we need it, and takes care of us all the time. Profession: wine seller. Heritage: Hearty Appalachian stock.

The Family: Me, Deb, Sara and Jake.

Family Dinner Night: Wednesday and Sunday for now, and then there's Sunday morning breakfast, too�usu. blueberry waffles and bacon every other week

Female Ejaculation: You can look this up on the net, but as far as anybody can tell, it's what happens when some women are stimulated on the G-spot and they spurt fluid from somewhere around the urethra (I think). It's not urine, though sometimes it can smell vaguely like it. My theory is that the fluid becomes more odorless the more frequently it's released. Some doctors (like Sara's) don't believe it exists, but it does. I used to do it myself. Now I don't get fucked myself very often, and when I do, nobody hits that particular spot like my first wife used to. It's hard to estimate the amount of fluid that comes out, but my guess is a few tablespoons up to half a cup depending on the vigor of the particular ejaculation and how much has already been expelled in one session. We use plastic-on-one-side/cotton-on-the-other disposable bed pads and old towels to deal with the mess. It's a really amazing thing to be able to instigate, and I tend to make Sara ejaculate nearly every time we have sex. She can hold it back when absolutely necessary. She has vaginal muscles to die for.

Jake: Sara�s primary partner. Quiet, competent, cool, contained and cute as hell. She�s the boy/girl everybody wants. Jake can be fragile, but she never lets it show. Her interior design obsession proves that she�s half fag, and the fact that all the gay men she meets drool over her just confirms it. She�s a great friend, a perfectionist. She�s a top now, but she used to be an excellent service bottom. I used to do her, too, but those days seem to be gone. Which is too bad, �cause it was certainly interesting to be butch with butch. She and my wife have dates. Profession: regional warehouse inventory manager. Heritage: Mexican American.

Joe: One of my roleplaying characters. He's a motorcycle cop in Atlanta. His partner's name is Antoine (or 'Toine), and he dates his neighbor, Sara.

Kate: My 14yo dog. A big sweetie, orange mutt.

Molly: My fat grey/brown tabby cat, named after Molly Ivins. She's retired from being a newspaper office cat. Now she and I have bitchslap fights at 5:45 a.m. because she wants to get fed when I'd rather be sleeping.

Neighbors: Sara and Jake, right next door. Life is good.

Sara: My incomparable lover, partner to Jake. She�s bi (though not practicing lately), she�s brilliant, she�s incredibly sexy but not in a fashion model kind of way�her way is infinitely better. She�s creative and passionate, unreserved, wild, inventive and encouraging. When we role play, she�s the perfect recipient for my rougher nature. Profession: crime scene technician. Heritage: Irish Catholic.

St. Andrew�s Cross: A large, wooden, X-shaped frame with big eyebolts at the corners. Mine is a stand-alone model.

Tux: Our other cat. Male, older than Molly. A big bully toward Kate, but he has a real high-pitched girly meow.

Us/We: See "family"

Ungh: An expression of sexual satisfaction or euphoria

Your Diarist: That would be me. I�m often thoughtful, sometimes selfish. A bit reserved with strangers, but I open up once I get to know and like someone. I�m very picky about my friends and my time. I can be passive aggressive. I read romance novels, and I don�t care who knows it. Sex is very important to me, and I�ll spend days looking forward to my next date. I�m a top�creative, considerate, cruel, indefatigable and accommodating. I�ve got one dick in my brain and several in a box (assorted sizes, colors). Profession: magazine editor. Heritage: Tennessee girl with New York Dutch roots.

Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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