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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
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I want to pump [clap] me up 2005-04-08 12:02 p.m. Can I just say that I'm glad they finally put the Pontiff in a box and quit toting him around on a big tray like the main course at a luau?

Not much to report here. Work has been deadline-y. I joined Gold's Gym last week and I have turned into a gym bunny. Who knew? I think I've reached a fitness level where exercising actually feels good to me now, and not like boring torture. I'm designing my workout routine from "Weight Training for Dummies," which is actually a pretty good book. Today is a rest day. And it takes longer than I thought. I can eat up an hour and a half at the gym with no problem. At least I'm getting my money's worth.

Going to go see "Sin City" with Sara this afternoon and then have dinner together. We haven't done anything special out in a long time, and we both wanted to see this movie together.

Now that she's on morning watch, I might get to hang out with her on the weekends a little more. I'm going to alternate Saturdays between dates with Three and staying home, doing chores, and maybe getting to play with Sara.

Finally, I'm surprised my last entry didn't generate more commentary. By the way, that lump is still on my head 22 days after my fall. It's almost gone, but definitely still there. I posted that right around the time that Diaryland went down for a couple days, so maybe only a couple people saw it.

Sara, don't read below here -- beach trip details.

Went to Tybee Island for the day with Three last week. She tries to go at least once a year, and that's her vacation. While she's still doing freelance film work, and thus not regularly employed (though she's looking), that's about all the vacation she can afford. We packed our lunches and the only thing we spent money on was gas and a little junk food (Moon Pie! Cheetos!). It was heavy rain and thunderstorms most of the way down, but we caught five hours of partly cloudy and no rain on the beach before it started to sprinkle and was time to head back.

The drive went very quickly. We talked most of the way down and she introduced me to They Might Be Giants and The New Pornographers on the CD player.

At the beach we relaxed on a big flannel sheet that has a snowflake print. I read a couple stories to her from "McSweeney's Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales." She liked that, and I enjoyed reading to her. One of the stories used the words fuck and fucking a lot, and that's her most-used emphasis word, so we were laughing about it.

We also tossed a football around and sucked less at that than we do with basketball. We weren't bad at all, actually.

Three felt she needed to go into the water if only for two minutes, so she did. Freezing water. She said it wasn't so bad once she got in. Then we headed for the public bathrooms in the park near the YMCA to change back into our travel clothes. Three was wearing a Speedo top with a zipper down the front. I got to help her take that off. It took me a while. I got distracted sucking on her nipples and playing with her breasts. She didn't seem to mind.

I actually got a little sunburned in a couple spots where I hadn't put on enough sun block. People back in Atlanta were surprised that I'd been able to find sun at all. Really all I found was a lot of UV rays.

I enjoyed the trip immensely, and it's nice to know that Three and I don't get sick of each other's company yet, even after 14 hours together.

Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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