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Craft Corner Deathmatch 2005-03-08 4:39 p.m. I totally know what I'm going to be doing tomorrow night!

Okay, I'm having a date with Sara tomorrow night. But I'll be taping Craft Corner Deathmatch on the Style channel! (Oh, god, I hope we get the Style channel. As you might suspect, it's not one I've ever tuned to.)

As reported in The New York Times (you may have to register to read this), Craft Corner Deathmatch is what happens when former Daily Show producers pitch fake, joke TV ideas to real networks.

Quoted from the NYT:
"Craft Corner Deathmatch" may seem like a blended-by-committee mixture of recent television trends - equal parts "Iron Chef," "Shabby Chic" and "American Idol" - but Mr. Taberski and Ms. Honig, former producers for "The Daily Show" on Comedy Central, said the idea came from a game in which they tried to imagine a show based on two elements so disparate that network executives in their right minds would run screaming. For example, they made a pilot for MTV called "X-tremely Old," in which a strike team of elderly women offered romantic advice and other life help to 20-somethings.

"Instead of trying to give them what they want, we try to do the opposite," Mr. Taberski said. "What doesn't go together? Crafts and gladiators. Old people and MTV. 'Hey MTV, why don't you put some old people on your network?' "

Ms. Honig added: "That poison and babies idea we had really hasn't gone anywhere yet."


The article continues with this snippet:

Maria Schoenherr, an artist and accessories designer who lives in Bushwick, Brooklyn, was among those with such a love of craft. She landed a spot on a recent show, beat her competitor but then lost to the Craft Lady of Steel in a cutthroat pillow-making contest. (She lost in spite of receiving a score of 10 from one of that show's judges, Eartha Kitt, who complimented the whipstitch in Ms. Schoenherr's pillow, saying that she envisioned unraveling it and using the lacing "to tie down my man." Even the show's effusive host, Jason Jones, seemed at a loss as to how to respond to this.)


Glglglglglglglglg-Rrrwoowwwllllll. (Okay, smartasses, YOU try to spell the noise that Eartha Kitt makes with her throat.)

I definitely want to watch this show with Sara, who is our crafting goddess. Deb is but a neophyte in comparison (of course, she kicks ass in the pottery department).


Had lunch with Three today. My IT guy here at work offered me a DVD burner for my Mac G4, and Three is studying IT stuff and doesn't get to play inside of Macs much, so I invited her to come be part of the installation process.

Turns out that the rectangular face of the DVD tray will not fit through the rounded corner opening in the G4. But we all learned something. Which mainly was that when the IT guy closes up your computer and reboots it and then discovers that he has left out a little metal plate slidey-on thingy from the guts of your CPU, the official response is to hand it to someone else (Three) and tell her to hide it.

So Three got to see my office and the view, which is pretty nice. I forgot to tell her that I can see where her house should be out the east-facing window. Sure, it's about 10 or 12 miles out there, but there's an unobstructed view to it.


Tonight is Gilmore Girls night with Deb. Much snuggling on the couch with the Bassett and yelling at Lorelei and Rory.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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