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Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

My radio debut 2004-06-24 1:48 p.m. Deb and I were interviewed by our local Public Radio station last week. This week they're broadcasting their Pride coverage every morning in the 7:50 a.m. (EST) time slot. The theme for the week is same-sex marriage, and they spoke to Deb and me about why we went to Toronto to get married and what it was like and asked about our feelings about the upcoming vote to put an amendment in the Georgia Constitution banning same-sex marriages. Bruce Kennedy, the reporter who spoke with us, says the interview turned out well and thinks we'll like it.

If you have Windows Media Player and are willing to be up early in the morning, you can access their web streaming broadcast online. Go to WABE and click on the LISTEN LIVE link at the bottom of the home page.

Of course, they'll be introducing us and using our real names, so I'm trusting readers not to abuse that information. They'll also probably post the transcripts under the Atlanta section of the PBA Newsroom links, too.

Our relationship may not be traditional, but we have an extremely strong marriage, and it deserves to be recognized and treated equally to heterosexual marriages.

I sure wish I had the option to put my wife on my health insurance. Deb's employer switched to a new, worse, insurance provider and now she has a lot less medical coverage. Her employer now saves $120 a month for the whole employee pool. Assholes. We're have to pay dentistry, psychotherapy and now psychiatry expenses out of pocket. And Deb broke a tooth last week. Our general practitioner is also not covered by this network because she lost money when she tried to accept their coverage (because they screw over the doctors as well as their clients). We don't want to switch, so we'll be paying for office visits to her in the future, too. The insurance will cover the lab fees, which is something at least. I think we have to add eye care to our list of out-of-pocket expenses, but we can't afford it right now so we're waiting until next month.


And speaking of strength, we're still in the depression battle, but our coping skills are getting much more finely honed. Deb went to her first psychiatrist appointment yesterday and had two and a quarter hours with the doctor. This psychiatrist comes highly recommended as someone who can deal with the complexities of and psychopharmacology to treat depression. Deb's now on the same dosage of Wellbutrin and has added Lexapro. We'll see how that works.


If you want to have your "Awwww" moment for the day, go check out Basset Hound Rescue of Georgia's Calendar Contest. If you want to vote to contribute to the fundraiser, just follow the instructions. I Particularly like the Basset in the dishwasher. And just to make my opinion clear, I do not think people should put hats on Bassets.


Look! It's Bender with some meat bag in bondage.

This was a much more exciting find for me before I scrolled down a little and saw the connection had already been made and pointed out.


Last weekend we had a drag show in our little hamlet outside Atlanta. The show benefitted PALS (Pets Are Loving Support), which helps people with critical illnesses or disabilities keep their pets and help place pets whose PALS-client owners have died. It was held in a parking lot that's surrounded by a church, businesses and a park. It started out a little slow but turned into a great show. Especially when one of our straight male neighbors (very het, kinda nerdy) danced out in size 4 (be-yotch) jeans, a long blonde wig and a halter top. He WORKED it, dancing to a Britney or Christina song (can't remember which). He was hot, a pretty good dancer, and completely uninhibited.

Then his wife came out a couple numbers later and, well, while she wasn't technically doing drag since she's a woman and she was still dressed as a woman, what made her such a success was she's an incredibly HOT woman and was dressed in something black, low-cut and tight. Her number was Beyonce's "Tonight I'll Be Your Naughty Girl." Ungh. People flocked to the stage to hand money over to those two. The fundraiser got more than $2,200. Cool, huh?

Here's a tip if you're ever doing a fundraiser that makes money by tipping performers. Do what these folks did: provide free sodas and water and sell beer for $3 for a bottomless cup (a beer sponsor helps with this). That really adds to the goodwill of the tippers in the audience.

What made the evening even more special was that I achieved a personal first. I asked a woman, who I'd just met, for a date. Here's how the story goes. The weekend previous to the drag show weekend, we'd gone to another little community thing downtown on Saturday night and I met a very attractive woman who started talking to me because she liked my Tick t-shirt and was a Tick fan herself. Neat! She introduced me to her girlfriend and some other gay folks from around town who we hadn't met yet. That was cool. So this chick was at the drag show, too, and she introduced me to another woman, who I'll call Corrine because that's not her name.

Corrine looked familiar but neither one of us could figure out where we might have met before. I asked her if she ever hung out with the bums at Woodruff Park because I'm there a lot. She said yes, but only on Thursdays. So naturally I liked her sense of humor. As the evening progressed, I realized I was sort of struck by her. My impression of her, upon reflection, is that if we were transported back to the '30s or '40s, she's the kind of woman you'd call a brassy dame. But friendly and approachable.

I eavesdropped a little on her conversations, kept looking at her. Finally I leaned over to Deb and said, "Honey, I think Corrine is pretty hot." Deb knew right away what I was implying. She looked back at Corrine and looked at me and smiled and said, "Okay." Yay! Permission granted!

Then I spent about the next 20 minutes trying to figure out how to start up a conversation and lead to asking her out without sounding like a total goob. Eventually I worked up the nerve to go over to her and ask some of the traditional, tame get-to-know-you questions. Where do you work? Where do you live? I enjoyed talking with her, so I asked if she was single. That got a big "Yes" accompanied by an adverb like "extremely" or "incredibly."

I don't remember exactly what I said, but it was along the lines of, "This is going to sound forward, and I don't usually do this, but I think you're very hot and I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime?" That got a pretty quick yes, too, which was a relief to my nerves. I made sure that she knew I was already permanently attached but that we're a polyamorous couple. That didn't seem to phase her. I didn't have anything to write with, so I told her she could get my e-mail address from the woman who'd introduced us. She invited me to stay and have drinks with them at the nearby bar. I declined, knowing I'd probably drink too much too fast and get extra talky. Not a good first impression. But I did go snag a couple business cards and a pen from Deb and we exchanged numbers.

So, wow. I don't think I've ever done that in my life. I was pretty proud of myself. Deb was proud of me. Sara was surprised I'd actually done that, but also okay with it. Corrine and I have exchanged a couple e-mails and we're going to get together next week when her schedule isn't so booked. I find that I'm looking forward to getting to know someone who doesn't already know practically everything about me through my diary, or vice versa. It's also nice to be in a position where it's totally fine if we don't click on the sexual attraction level. If we end up being friends or just acquaintances, I'll be completely fine with that. Right now I'm just enjoying the potential.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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