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Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Life alterations. Take in a little here, let out a little there. 2003-04-21 4:05 p.m. The Huntsville trip was great. Had an amazing time talking with my sisters and laughing about favorite family stories like "the tomato incident" and "the 'good milk' incident" and our school bus driver, Mary Jo.

Everyone loved Deb's new beading efforts, and Tammy was less annoying than usual. Either that, or we've gotten more used to her. Sara got to shop at a Junior League sale, Deb got to go to a show at the botanical gardens, and I got to see the space museum, which I hadn't visited since junior high I don't think. We watched an IMAX film on the International Space Station and Sara and I rode one of the amusement park-type rides ? the one that launches you straight up and then lets you free-fall for about 100 feet. Woo! I haven't done one of those for a long time. We came to a rest and I turned to Sara and said, "So that's what my throat tastes like."

Accumulated some massive bug splats on Mr. Giles and spent part of Sunday scrubbing them off. They show up especially well on the white rearview mirror covers. I'll take pictures when we do the Florida trip.


We're doing an in-office fitness challenge here at work, and I'm participating. I quickly gained all the weight I lost while I was sick in February, including the chin. After weigh-in this morning I see I've gained a solid 15 pounds at least since I quit smoking. Time to try to take it off again.

I'm calling it my "Vegas, Baby, Fitness Challenge." The work challenge is timed to end on July 18, just before our big convention in the summer. My goal (and it's an ambitious one) is 20 pounds (or impressive inches) in 13 weeks. My current weight: 190.5 pounds. Not my heaviest ever, but close.


I don't want to have to buy new convention pants.
The more inches I lose, the more comfortable my bras become. I hope.
My jeans are also getting too tight. My 501s are now too tight to pack in, which is tragic.
My sugar habit was getting completely out of control. As was my lunchtime chips and salsa habit.
My 20th high school reunion is coming up this year and I do not want to look roly-poly.
I would like to see my muscles again. I know they're still under there.
I do not feel as good or have as much energy when I'm at this weight.
It sucks extra hard to be heavier once the weather gets really hot.
I could win $150 in the office competition if I lose the most weight.
Success in this goal would make it easier to believe that I could get down to an ultimate goal size somewhere between 140 and 160.


My Mom should be in China by now. I believe she's starting out in Beijing. My eldest sister, Badsister1, tried to convince her not to go for a long time. Foolish girl. She finally gave up. See e-mail below:


Ok, ok.... I'm gonna quit nagging you about it!! I know you'll be ok.
You'll be a head taller than the Chinese people so if they sneeze, it
will just hit your shirt.

I've got your itinerary so I can come get you when you and [Mom's travelling buddy] get
sick. Just to be safe, I'm gonna tape a maxi-pad over my face with duct
tape. And I'd better brush up on my Chinese: "Hey, Kung Fu! Yeah,
you!! Moo Shu Pork! Where's my mama?"

Ok, I'm ready.

love you,

Mom even bought a load of groceries for her planned self-imposed quarantine when she gets back home. She really is planning to just stay in the house for 10 days. After that it will be almost time for my sisters and I to come up there and help clean out my grandmother's house in preparation for the sale.


And speaking of my mother, my therapy has been going well so far. Last week was one of those days when you go in wondering what the hell you're going to talk about and then it gets really intense and you leave wondering where the hell all that shit came from. Apparently, a lot of it came from my childhood. Don't get me wrong; I had a pretty damn good childhood. But I was successfully discouraged from expressing any kind of extreme or loud emotion, ever, so I have to work on those skills for those times in life when it really is best to go ahead and be able to be pissed off or jump for joy.


Hmmm. Lightning storm. Probably no walkies tonight.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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