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Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

It's gettin' hot in here 2002-12-13 11:00 a.m. Molly woke me up at 3:00 this morning, and Deb gave me the full lecture on the Occasional Reward Behavior Modification Paradigm. At 3:00 in the morning, in the dark, as we got up to pee and drink water and chase the cat with murderous intent (that part was just me). Anyway, she explained that by actually caving to Molly's middle-of-the-night cravings on occasion, I had basically guaranteed that she would never stop sharpening her claws on the mattress by my head in the middle of the night. I asked her why the hell she hadn't told me that years ago. She said she knew I was hopeless anyway, so she didn't bother.


Before I went on my date with Anat last night, I called Jake to get the okay for the flirtation to continue. I'm trying to adhere to our goal of actually communicating with each other. We've got the green light for the flirtation, but still no clearance on sex.

So, Cliterati. The theme: the Virgin of Guadelupe. The organizers must have the same desk calendar that I do, which, for Dec. 12 reads "Virgin of Guadalupe (Mexico)." It doesn't really expand on what kind of holiday this is, exactly.

And at times like these, I'm reminded that young, earnest lesbians are like people who are high; everything is sooo cool and Means Something. I think part of the reason we all like Anat so much, even though she definitely falls into the "young" category, is that she is past that phase in a big way, if she ever had it to begin with.

Anat did her first poetry reading of her first poems, thereby honoring the "virgin" theme to a token degree. She read with the "lesbian poetry reading tempo and inflection" for my benefit on her "fierce feminista-slash-wrestle you for it" piece and had me giggling behind my hand and getting wet at the same time. There wasn't a dry pair of panties or boxers in the house when she was done, I'm sure.

I'm a lucky girl.

Some of the poetry was actually good, and I had fun flirting with the cute bartender and remembering what the bar was like 15 years ago when I first stepped into it. Back then the regulars had brass name plates on the bar in front of their stools. Also ran into a woman I know who I used to work with back in the day. I can't go to any lesbian event in this town without seeing someone I used to know back in the day. I'm just lucky when I get their names right.

A fun night, and Mr. Giles got his spin for the evening.


Sara stopped in this morning before I left the house and we got things cleared up between us. Very good to get that done.

I drove in to work today and will be giving rides after our holiday party. I parked Ripper on the top deck of the parking garage outside my window so that everyone could see it from the office.

Can you spot him?

























I'm just putting in some "safe" space for anybody who doesn't want to read more details.

So, I think I just hit some comfort level with Anat last weekend that unleashed my randy side as far as she's concerned. Now I'm having fun with it.

One small problem with Mr. Giles is that he has a thick chrome ring around the stick shift knob, and it's cold. I told Deb I needed driving gloves, and she reminded me that I already have leather gloves for the motorcycle, so I started wearing those while I drive. I also found out that they're extra effective when I slowly slide my hand up the thigh of the MINI-skirt wearing woman sitting in the passenger seat.

On the drive home I told Anat how I wanted to fuck her right then, that night: a hard, no intro, no buildup, throw down and dive in fuck. She asked what my rules about masturbating in the car were. She was worried about the seats. I was worried about getting distracted and slamming into a phone poll. We made it to her place without incident or stray orgasms.

Inside her apartment, as soon as she took off her jacket, I wrapped my left arm around her waist, grabbed some hair with my right hand, and pulled her back until I had her pinned against the door. I wanted to be able to trap her somewhere where she couldn't get away. I took a good taste of a lot of skin and lips, and as I told her that I wanted to cut a slit in the crotch of her fishnets with her own knife, she went down on her knees.

She couldn't stand a whole lot of time with me pushing her face into the crotch of my jeans before she told me I was going to have to leave.

You know, I'm anxious to get clearance to actually have sex with Anat, but she sure is fun just to tease the hell out of. I know I'm enjoying it. Carpooling is really fun these days, too.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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