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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Three days left 2002-10-29 8:37 p.m. Holy Molee. The company got rid of the PsyCOO (my crazy ultra-superior who wore way way too much perfume). I was very proud of my department for being able to keep the celebratory reaction off our faces and pretend to be all solemn as the CEO broke the news. Wow. I wish we could incorporate her salary into our budget.

Deb's been telling me for a while how great Omzhaara is.Today she told me to check out Omzhaara's Halloween party-night entry. With photos. Oh, ungh.

Tonight is sushi. We're waiting for Jake to get home. Then we're having sleepovers. Yay! Oh, and Anat started flirting with me online today. Heh. Fun. Unfortunately, I'm slammed at work with magazine awards and making deadlines before the exec editor leaves for New York tomorrow.


Date Report

















I was in a really playful mood last night, cracking jokes and being a smartass, so we played with Lauren and Alex. Alex is pretty much like a 32-year-old teenager with a lot of S&M experience.

He came home to find her in his bed (in reality, Sara was really waiting for me in bed upstairs in the attic when I got home from work). She'd had a bad dream that stuck with her all day. In the dream, Alex had called her a stupid kid, told her to go away, and told her friends what they'd done together and laughed about it.

So, natch, I had to assure her that that wouldn't happen. And then fuck her silly. She got a blindfold, her wrists tied above her head, and her ankles shackled to the spreader bar, which was then suspended from the ceiling. Sort of. The hooks in the ceiling are too far away from the bed for good suspension. Need to move that bed.

And I cut her panties off.

One thing I find amazing is when Sara is passionately calling out my character's name while in the throes. It makes me feel sooooo ... I don't know ... convincing. Successful. Like I've really helped take her into a fantasy and made it real.

Casualties: 2 condoms, 1 towel, 1 bed pad, 1 pr. panties

October casualty total*:
Condoms: 23
Latex gloves: 1
Towels: 25
Bed pads: 15
Pairs of panties: 2
Undershirts: 1
T-shirts: 3
Regular shirt: 1
Comforter: 1
Sheets: 1
Candles: 4
Drop cloth: 1
*Items of clothing and linen listed as casualties needed to be laundered as a result of the particular date in question. The number refers to the number of times said item(s) had to be laundered. So, for example, when you read "T-shirt: 3," you could translate that to mean, "We have trashed the t-shirt I was wearing during sex three times." The exception is panties, which, if listed as a casualty, were shredded by a knife.

Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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