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Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Up way way late 2002-10-24 9:47 p.m. You guys are so good for my ego. And it just rocks my socks when straight women like Marn and Trin let me know that I trip their Ewan McGregor factor (formerly known as "The Sting Factor": when a certain person possesses an exceptional attractiveness that would make you consider doing someone of the gender to which you're not usually attracted). I just don't have to occasion to wear my chaps nearly as much as I should.

A special thanks to Mis, who is my most faithful cheering section. Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate it.

And Whip-Smart, I know exactly what you mean. You can flirt and flirt with most gay men, but it is so rare to find one who'll understand that sometimes you're not just teasing. I've always loved gay porn, and I have wanted take a fag's ass for a long long time. I'm wondering if I can get him to suck my cock, too. That would rock.

We had a great time out last night, even though just Deb and I dropped $70 on cover charges. Speaking of my ass hurting. Damn. I'll try to give you a good blow-by-blow, but let me tell you right now that despite how the night began, everything is worked out and good now, like it always is the next day (or a few hours later).

So ...

Deb was in an absolute ASS mood at the beginning of last night.

I'd already asked her during the afternoon, maybe three times, if she was okay. She'd look up and smile at me and say she was fine. It was obviously a huge lie, but I can't make her talk to me when she's not ready, and I don't want her to think I'm oblivious to something being wrong, so I keep asking.

When I was trying to help her on with her corset, and not being that good at it, she barked BACK OFF at me, and I was starting to rethink whether I should go out at all. If I hadn't already put the time and effort into shining my boots and wedging myself into a pair of 36-inch-waist Levi's, I'd probably have bagged it, thereby beginning a vicious cycle of resentment and anger once I found out what kinds of fun stuff I'd missed by not going out.

I asked Deb if she didn't want me to go. I asked her if I'd done something to piss her off. She said no. But she kept being really snippy. I told her she needed to stop biting my head off for no reason. She admitted she wasn't in a good mood and apologized. Again, I asked if I'd done something to piss her off. "NO! I've told you that two or three times already!" She also told me I needed to stop the wounded puppy act. Deb is never, ever this bitchy. It was kind of a shock.

We started out at The Chamber around 11:30 ($15/head), and it was D*E*A*D dead. And not in a good, Halloween way. They announced a demo in the Shower Room, so we filed in to watch a mummification in aluminum foil and chicken wire with candles added. Deb was bored in about 3 minutes and Jake and I were irritated out of our gourds that the bottom was FUCKING CHEWING GUM! GAH! What is this new generation coming to?

By the way, Deb was in her corset, a black skirt with studs down the sides, and high heels. Anat was in a quasi geisha outfit with a red vinyl bustier kind of thing and short red skirt, calf-high boots, and fishnet stockings. Jake was dressed as the UPS delivery man. She even had a package. If you know what I mean.

We fled The Chamber and went to check out women's play night at The Sanctuary ($20/head). It was midnight and they were closed to new entries, but we got in on our good looks. *grin* Only after we were inside did we discover that we had the whole place to ourselves. We'd kind of hoped to find some action. But I had a paddle and Deb had an attitude. Deb volunteered to be played with Jake and Anat watched. We've never actually played at The Sanctuary, but since we were the only ones there, it wasn't exactly public.

Deb laid herself up against one of the St. Andrews crosses.

I was trying to warm Deb up before I laid into her. She says, "I thought you were going to paddle me."
"Well, I was trying to warm you up."
"I'm ready."

Except it sounded like, "I've been ready for three hours you stupid fuck. Isn't it obvious? Would you go ahead and start? Jesus!" But it wasn't obvious to me. I'd been running my hands over her, kneading her ass, sliding the paddle across her skin, hoping for some noise of enjoyment, or slight movement, or any kind of response.

And when I would check in with her during the paddling, I'd ask how she was doing, and she'd say, "Fine!" in this really chipper voice that sounded like, "Fine! Is that all you've got, because you're boring me." So I'd ask if she was ready for something harder, and when she said, "Sure," it sounded like "Duh." So I'd hit harder. I should've quit. I can't imagine what kind of fight my deciding that Deb wasn't in the proper headspace to continue might have engendered. But I was not enjoying it one little bit, and I should've remembered that I have a right to quit if I'm not having a good time.

After we were done, Deb went and hugged Anat, and she hugged Jake, and she wouldn't even look at me. I had to ask for a hug. That made me feel pretty shitty. But I let it go. Deb was working through something. I wasn't going to let it get me down.

Later (not much later), I discovered that the table up in the jail cell room has about eight straps that go with it. Anat lay down on the table, so I started strapping her down. She looked really good squirming against the restraints. Deb and Jake watched�I made sure it was okay with Deb that I was playing with A.�and then they retired to another room.

I played with her for a while, enjoying watching her get into it. Running my fingers across the tender parts of her throat. And I found out what she was wearing under those fishnets and that skirt. But, I kept the play kind of light. Deb and I hadn't discussed this possibility at all, and neither had Anat and me. And then the Sanctuary has this annoying "no sex" rule. I whispered a couple things to her that I thought might punch some good buttons. I think I was right. If I'd had my knife with me, those fishnets would be no mo'.

We decided we'd try The Chamber again, which was a good decision. The staged demos got much, much better, and there were about twice as many people there (still never got crowded, though). The demos started with fire dancing�way fun to watch.

It wasn't until a play piercing (breast flesh, not nipple) demo that I felt like Deb had completely let go of her demons and started to have a good time. That helped me relax quite a bit. So did Jake bending down to suck off a beer bottle held at my crotch level while I held the back of her head. Ungh.

The last demo that we saw featured a woman in a nurse's outfit who stripped down to her panties (steel plated crotch) and electrical taped nips and played with an electric wand, briefly sucked off a skeleton torso with a black dildo attached, and pierced herself with hypodermic needles. She finished by taking a power tool that looked like a something between a striker saw and a sander and ramming it against the steel plate on her crotch in time to the pulse of the music, causing big showers of sparks. Amazing. I loved it.

We got home at 3:30 a.m. (that was before we set the clocks back).

Deb and I had a good talk this morning. Plus some hot tub time.

Today, Anat is doing a henna treatment to Deb's hair. I vacuumed the house. The dog could use some washing, too, but I don't have the energy. We fended for ourselves instead of the usual family breakfast, Jake and Deb opting for cinnamon rolls, I fixed an egg sandwich for myself. I haven't seen Sara at all today. I'd better go secure my date appointment.


Date Report





















My first date with Sara in over a week. She didn't have a whole lot of energy, but we still had fun. We played with Julian and Eleanor�Julian coming to feed off El after allowing her to recouperate somewhat from an extended illness. What do they say about art imitating life? I went pretty easy on her since it was her first date back. Hands only. It was great to hold her again. I'd missed that. Sara fits in my arms differently than Deb. Sara's smaller in a way that lets me enfold her, and it always feels wonderful.

Casualties: 2 towels, 1 bed pad, my shirt, the sheets.

October casualty total*:
Condoms: 17
Latex gloves: 1
Towels: 22
Bed pads: 13
Pairs of panties: 1
Undershirts: 1
T-shirts: 3
Regular shirt: 1
Comforter: 1
Sheets: 1
Candles: 4
Drop cloth: 1
*Items of clothing and linen listed as casualties needed to be laundered as a result of the particular date in question. The number refers to the number of times said item(s) had to be laundered. So, for example, when you read "T-shirt: 3," you could translate that to mean, "We have trashed the t-shirt I was wearing during sex three times." The exception is panties, which, if listed as a casualty, were shredded by a knife.

Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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