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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Still going strong 2002-10-15 7:25 p.m. Don't have much time for writing tonight, so it's going to be cryptic.

I really enjoyed Angel Sunday night. Deb and Jake were off at the drag king show. I got to watch TV by myself and cackle.

Fred: "Please let my cellmate be gentle."

Lilah: I'm EVIL. I don't DO errands [pause] unless they're EVIL [pause] errands.

My Yahoo mail is overrun with banners for "8 Mile," some movie that's got Eminem in it. Who thought it was a good idea to put Whiney Nasal Boy in a movie? Bleah.

Nikki hasn't called me back. She may be off the map again.


Date Reports (2), also brief


















First, the bad news. I've definitely given Sara my sore throat. I'm so, so, so sorry.

Went up to nap with Sara on Sunday. She couldn't nap once I got up there. So she asked me to fuck her first. Twist my arm.

Told her to close her eyes because I'd brought a surprise for her. I loaded the cyberskin into my harness and then slipped a leather collar around her neck. She ran her fingers across it. It was making her hot just wearing it.

I played Julian and teased her up. She asked me to hurt her. Gave me an amazing blow job. And then I took off the cyberskin and put on Denzel.

She took him well and hard.

Hypnotized her to put her back to sleep because she was just too hyped up after all the sex. She had a grin on her face she couldn't get rid of.

Casualties: 1 condom, 1 towel, 1 bed pad

. . . . .

Played with Misha and Etienne for the first time in a long time on Monday night. I love playing with those characters. We come up with the most amazing stuff that's happening at his estate. For example, Sera is expecting twins. We knew that she was expecting, but the twins part was new. Apparently the midwife could feel two.

The Lord Master had been off on a hunting trip for two weeks and so was in the mood for something petite and good smelling when he got back: Misha.

They conversed, kissed, made love. He told her he planned to penetrate her fully that evening. They made agreement to make her status as wife permanent while his cock was buried in her ass. She took that pretty damned well, too, even though Sara still a little bruised from Denzel.

Had very squirmy, loving snuggling time afterward.

Casualties: 2 condoms, one latex glove, one towel

Sara reminded me that there's a new wife in the wings. This one still 13, the daughter of a courtesan, much more knowledgeable about sex than Misha was.

October casualty total*:
Condoms: 13
Latex gloves: 1
Towels: 16
Bed pads: 11
Pairs of panties: 1
Undershirts: 1
T-shirts: 3
Comforter: 1
*Items of clothing and linen listed as casualties needed to be laundered as a result of the particular date in question. The number refers to the number of times said item(s) had to be laundered. So, for example, when you read "T-shirt: 3," you could translate that to mean, "We have trashed the t-shirt I was wearing during sex three times." The exception is panties, which, if listed as a casualty, were shredded by a knife.

Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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