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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Booty du jour 2002-10-03 10:24 p.m. I was on the phone with Weetabix and she cut me off three times, beyotch. Actually, her phone just has issues. She didn't do it on purpose. And she called back every time. See, Esteban was in town, and I called her to find out if it was okay with her if I called him up and freaked him out a little with some major bulldagger phone behavior. Like I really know how to do that. Unfortunately, he'd already skipped town. He was pretty much just here on a fly-by or something. Probably just flew in for some Varsity chili dogs and propelled himself home on the resultant gas production.

But it was great chatting with Weet. She's off to JournalCon tomorrow, and I'm terribly envious. Not just because it's JournalCon, but because it's in San Francisco. Where my people live. And I've never been there. One day I'll travel to the homeland. I will.

The cat seems to have learned her lesson yesterday. She didn't try to wake me up by thunking the door. In fact, nothing woke me up until 7:15. I'd slept through my morning date appointment. Gah! I shot out of bed, threw on clothes, brushed my teeth, and headed next door where Sara had already changed out of her uniform. Dangit. We rescheduled for this evening. I can do a 10-minute fuck, but if I have a shot at longer, I'll choose that.

Saw a yellow-bellied sapsucker on the feeder when I got home. Don't see those often here.

Cin, when someone (YOUR WIFE) says that me saying it's Lesbian Sex Month doesn't make it Lesbian Sex Month for everybody, it's like saying that just because Hallmark says it's Valentine's Day doesn't mean it's Valentine's Day for everyone. We each made up the holiday, so we get to say when it is and who it fucking applies to. Aaiiight?

I have a dog eye booger on my shirt. Just wanted to share.

Diaryland Survivor 4 has kicked off. Yay. I don't mean to say I'm connected or anything, but four of the contestants list yours truly as a favorite in their own profiles. So it looks like some of the group has good taste. Several of the judges are among my own favorites, including my girl Snowy. What a cutie.

Good luck to Magpie, Chrome Magnum Man, Heather, and a new one on my fan list Angeline. Go team. Uh, tribe. Whatever.


Date Report

















Since I've got banners up and some new visitors as a result, let me put in the ADULT CONTENT warning for the first time in a while. Adult content follows. All sex mentioned is consensual. Descriptions of non-consensual sex are in a role-playing fantasy context. Kids, unless you know what you're doing, don't try this at home.

Since I slept through my morning appointment, we had to move it to after work. Of course the trains were delayed and I had to pick up some milk on the way home, but I still got there at a reasonable time.

Sara came over and we kissed like usual. I asked if she could get into submissive headspace quickly. She said she'd bet I could put her there. I love her.

I took her upstairs, gave her a chance to kick off her shoes, took her glasses off for her, and grabbed her by the hair and took her down to her knees. I just started making up somebody to be. Somebody mean.

"It's about time I found you. You're gonna pay me back now." I was pushing her head toward my crotch and she was resisting.

"No. God. I can't do this any more."
"Oh, you'll do it. Just the way I like it. C'mon. You know how this starts." And I rubbed her face across my crotch.

The story unfolded like this: I've got her in my pocket the way a compulsive gambler lives under the thumb of a loanshark. I own her house, I own the company she works for, I own the home where she put her mother. She used to be a wild girl. We used to play and she used to like it. But I would bargain with her, putting her more and more into my debt. And now I own her. But she's married now. She has a kid. Her husband found out about this sordid past, and he's threatened to divorce her and take her kid if he ever gets wind of it happening again. He's a religious type.

She said she wouldn't do it. I lost my shit and dragged her onto the futon by her hair and went to pulling her clothes off. Whenever I'd hit a snag, I'd give her a reality check. Like how bad it would look to her husband if she came home with torn panties and a big bite mark on her ass. I even mock slapped her. That got her attention.

When I actually had her pinned and had two fingers inside, she had to call yellow to warn me that she was feeling the friction pretty good and that I could continue to force it (she felt damn wet to me, but it's not my pussy) and risk her being extra tender for the next couple of days, or slow down and let her catch up. I slowed down.

I started talking about the good times we used to have. What a hell raiser she used to be. I hit on themes that I know turn her on. I chewed on her nipples. Finally I got to her.

"Take what you want and get it over with, but I'm not going to respond." She came pretty good.

Then, out of scene, she said she didn't want to stop and suggested we play out a flashback from the "good ol' days" with the same characters. Oh, yeah.

"I saw you watching me at work today."
"Really. Did anyone else see?"
"I don't know. I wasn't paying attention."
"Hope not. I don't want a bunch of nosy biddies fucking this up."
"What are we going to do today?"
"Have you ever been spanked?"
"Oh, I think you'll like it."
"Will it hurt?"
"Just a little."
"Good. Because I'm not into pain."

I put her over my lap. Told her to concentrate on my boots. Worked up to some hard slaps. Warmed her ass up good.

"Are you ready for me to stop?"
"Then promise me something. Trade for it."
"What do you want?"
"Offer me something. But it needs to be good, because I'm really enjoying this."
"God. I don't know. I can't even think. Just name something."
"So ... anything?"
"Say it.
"Get on your hands and knees."

I started fucking her and she went down onto her belly. She was dripping wet by now and two fingers went in easy.

"Tell me how you want it, baby. How do you want it, bitch? Say it. Fuck me hard? Fuck me slow? Fuck me fast?"
"Oh god. Just fuck me. Fuck me however you want."
"Oh. Fuck you like I'm trying to come through the other side."

That made her buck.

We kept going. I tried to get her to stop, but she kept grinding so I kept pumping. And then I'd get my hand out and she'd say, "You don't want to quit yet either." No. No, I didn't. Three more orgasms and a few big splashes later we quit.

Man, she's fun to play with. And I get to go again tomorrow!

Casualties: one bed pad, one towel.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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