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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Post-vacation, still not amusing 2002-09-16 9:40 p.m. Okay, the short version. We're back from vacation. It went really well and I read pretty much the whole time. Didn't see a single dolphin this year. Didn't smoke. Had two sleepovers. Went bowling. My high score was 100. I only took a few photos.

Got home and bailed my dog out of the boarding facility where we'd had her. It cost more than it would take to rent a fairly nice efficiency apartment for a week and hire a homeless person to pay attention to Angel 24-hours a day and still keep said homeless person liquored up the whole time. She didn't throw up in the car on the way home, which was good.

Finally admitted that my Handspring Visor PDA had been stolen from my office and filed a police report. We also had almost $5,000 of camera equipment stolen. My photos in one magazine (the first thing I looked at when I walked into my office on my first day back) came out way way waaaaay too dark. Do I need to explain how embarrassing it is to have your photo credit next to a shitty looking photo in a photography magazine? And then in the other magazine, on the table of contents, my byline went to the printer as Badsnork instead of Badsnake.

And I still can't get enthused about anything. I'm starting to think that you can't have the person you love most in the world be depressed all summer and not have some of it rub off. I'm not doing well at work. I'm not updating here because I just can't get my happy Badsnake tone in my head.

Things still aren't quite right between Deb and Jake, you know, datewise, and I feel like that has sort of affected our relationship in the intimacy department as well. I've tried, but haven't had much success in kindling any interest ... and, okay, my romancing ways are not what they used to be. Belching and scratching just doesn't seem to turn her on anymore.

Last night Deb asked me if she had stolen my joy. She didn't steal anything, but my joy really isn't there either.

Actually, I feel like I may be more depressed than Deb is right now. I'm thinking about stealing some of her drugs. Maybe if I read back over this year's entries I can figure out when I stopped being funny and enjoying myself and became this lumpy mass of gelatinous gray no-emotion pathetic unfunny unenthusiastic ... fuck ... whatever.















My date tonight got cancelled due to car and motorcycle problems. May get to have one later on this week. Luckily, my downness hasn't affected my relationship with Sara.

The sleepovers were great. First night was Julian. The second night I can't remember who we played with. That's how bad this is. Did I mention that my memory and lack of concentration seem to be getting worse? Maybe it was Remy and Claire. We used a lot of ropes. Sorry, Sara.

Actually the best time I remember of the vacation was when Sara and I got a bit of time to make out during the day after we'd watched a video. We'd gotten going pretty good up to the point that I was going to make her splash all over our bed or we'd have to do something to avoid that. I took her to the back bathroom and pinned her up against the wall, holding her wrists together up above her head while I fucked her with my hand. She was facing the big bathroom mirror and could watch the whole thing. Much easier to mop up the tile floor.

Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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