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Tangent 2001-10-26 8:58 a.m. Okay, enough with the semantics arguing and the "stupid" name-calling. That makes me uncomfortable. We all have our judgments that we base on our own experiences. The whole argument just boils down to a difference in definition, expressed heatedly.

I say that having only had sex with women for the last 15 years damn-well qualifies me as a lesbian, despite my somewhat frequent wearing of dildoes and taking on a male character during role play. But, even if I had done a couple-few guys during that time, I'd still reserve the right to call myself a lesbian considering that those would be abberrations from the norm of my sexual preference.

I know I tease, torture, and flirt with guys. They like it. It's fun. But it's pretty much all lip service�no pun intended. I sort of wish I knew which entries Catriona and Charlene have been reading that gave them the impression that I'm such a cock craver.

I've only had a dildo used on me (other than the occasional masturbation session when I want some deep penetration, and I just can't reach that far�you know how it is) a few times, and that was back when Jake and I were still having sex two or three years ago. Sara and Deb never strap one on. Nor do I want them to. That wouldn't fit with who they are, and I don't think they'd get any fun out of it. Every once in a while I can get Sara to fist me. Mmmmm. She's got tiny little hands that are just right.

And the only times I've personally taken a dildo in my mouth was to test my particular models to see where the comfort/discomfort zone was so that I wouldn't unintentionally hurt Sara in a blow-job scene.

Mmmmm. Blow jobs. I know it does sound weird to get off on a blow job delivered to a dildo, but the mental side is where it mostly happens. I don't actually come, but I enjoy the feel of her breath on my crotch, the touch of her hands, and the look of her head bent to service.

I think real blow jobs are the ultimate example of power exchange. We think of the female sucking cock as the submissive position, and it is in a way. But, hell, the jaw muscles are some of the strongest muscles in the body. The guy is the one in serious peril. There's a lot of trust involved.

I think I'm wandering off topic. But so what. I haven't had sex with anybody in a couple of weeks, and I keep thinking about grabbing a handful of Sara's hair, pushing her up against a doorframe and kissing her hard until I can feel her melt. Whispering taunts in her ear as I work my way into her pants. Ungh. Or pushing my fingers into Deb and watching as she throws her head back, squints, and starts to convulse.

Maybe I can bargain for a tuck-in tonight. That would sure make my day.

I know I had other stuff I wanted to write about, but hell if I can remember it now. It's not going to be easy to get back to editing.

Oh, yeah! The test pics came back yesterday. They all look great except for the one of Sara's breast, dammit. The highlights are completely blown out. But I think I might be able to fix it. I'll be working on it.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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