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Bad's Blog

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Warm fire and hot soup 2001-10-17 11:28 a.m. Last night was another one of those wonderful "homey" evenings. The only thing wrong with it was that Sara had to work very very late again and couldn't be with us.

Deb made a marvelous soup that had the whole house smelling of garlic long before it was ready. It had spinach, tomatoes, and tortellini, garnished with freshly grated parmesan cheese. Man, that was good soup.

Deb built our first fire of the year in the fireplace. I went outside for a smoke and could smell that unmistakable, wonderful chimney smoke smell. We used to walk through our neighborhoods before we got this house and envy the folks who could build fires in their livingrooms. Now we are those people.

As I mentioned yesterday, Deb is an expert at building and tending the fire. Jake and the boys joined us for dinner and the watching of "Gilmore Girls" while "Buffy" was taped next door for later viewing. I sat in the chair closest to the fire and Jake was in the "Daddy Chair" across the room. Deb, wearing a denim jumper dress and a pale yellow turtleneck, got down on her hands and knees right in front of me and began to stoke more than just the fire in the fireplace. I enjoyed the hell out of watching her ass as she blew gently on the coals. I looked over at Jake, and she was doing the same thing I was. We completely missed whatever was happening on "Gilmore Girls" whenever Deb was tending the fire.

The dogs got along pretty well, possibly because the boys got their own rawhide bones to chew on. Sammy, ever the size queen, still prefers to steal Angel's large bone. Angel seemed content with his castoffs. Sam and Tyler singlemindedly practiced all night for their upcoming synchronized slimy rawhide chewing Olympic trials. They still need to pick out the music, though.

The cats, as usual, hid.


Raise your hand if you think we should bring back stocks in the public square to punish anthrax hoaxers.

Usually I'm very moderate in my opinion on crime and punishment, but I think public humiliation and torment might be just the thing for these hoaxers who anticipate getting publicity and attention.















In addition to the last date I told you about, Sara and I got to have more date time on Saturday night while Deb and Jake got their turn. D and J also took their turn in the attic space, so Sara and I were over next door. That's rare. Mostly because we tend to make a mess of whatever bed we're on whether we mean to or not, and that makes Jake nervous. They also just so happen to have bought a brand new mattress and box springs.

So Sara and I were left to our own devices with instructions NOT to mess up the new mattress under any circumstances. That meant a change from usual tactics.

I brought over my little backpack of supplies, which included Hank, a dick we haven't used for a while. Sara is much less likely to gush if I'm using a dick instead of my hands.

We did a scene with Julian creeping into Eleanor's bedroom and slowly, slowly waking her up with caresses and lovemaking. Ungh. There wasn't a lot of dialogue in this particular scene.

She wore her white cotton nightie and no panties. I remember sucking on one of her nipples through the thin cloth.

Casualty list: one condom, one towel (just in case), one latex glove.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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