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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Well, moisten my Mary Janes 2001-10-15 4:50 p.m. Another weekend too beautiful to sit at a computer. I love October. Everything just feels and looks better in October.

I took three walks a day with our new darlin'. You know, I've never thought of Deb as a dog person, but she's gotten attached to Angel in a hurry. I have to remember to share the walks.

Oooh, and speaking of my fabulous honey (Deb, not Angel), she entered the Pillsbury Bake-off this weekend. Believe it or not, she entered the "Luscious and Lighter" category. Cross your fingers for her.

And speaking of food, I was out walking Angel over the weekend, and we were going down a street we hadn't tried together yet. Since she's a hound with a good nose and certain smelling needs, I try to let her stop and sniff the whatever when she wants to, as long as it's not dog poop, which she tends to want to eat.

We were merrily going on our way when she got very interested in a particular bush. Sniff, sniff, sniff, all the way around the base of the big bush. Then she suddenly sticks her head directly into the bush�not at ground level, but at her shoulder level. If this had been the burning type of bush, Angel would had her head up God's ass. I'm seeing a big bush with a dog body sticking out of it. She pulls her head out, and she's got the end of a hot dog and its bun in her mouth.

A) I'm thinking how cool it is that she zeroed in on that from the sidewalk four feet away. B) I'm wondering who sticks their hot dog leavings in the middle of a freakin' bush.

I pointed out the hot dog bush to Deb last night when we were walking, and she indicated that she might like to steal a clipping from that bush and root one for our own yard. Can't deny that it would be cool and economical on the ol' food budget to have a hot dog bush of our own.

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I had a writer forward three URLs for Adopt-A-Soldier websites that organize mail and care package delivery to military personnel overseas. Does anybody know if these are for real? I can't imagine it's a scam, but does your mail actually get to anyone, and do they actually want it? The three sites she sent were,, and The dot-org sites seem to be on the up-and-up, but the dot-com one looks like somebody with a not very efficient process.

Don't you think some soldier would appreciate a weekly dose of Badsnake? Do they still censor military mail? And do they censor dirty stuff, or just military secret stuff?

Could be fun, don't you think?

Somewhere out there, I've got a friend who's probably still in the Navy. We went to college together and kept in touch for years. We had sex once when we were both single. She and her girlfriend stayed at our house during the Olympics. But one year I sent her newsy Christmas letter and never got anything back. Then Deb and I moved. So I haven't heard from her in about three years. If you go to the Navy website to try to look someone up, you find that their locator service is only available to Navy personnel, and not the general public. And, of course, since I've mentioned that she has/had a girlfriend and ... well ... that other thing, I can't write her name here because godforbid the Navy should find out it has lesbians in its ranks.

So, though my searches for my old bud have been fruitless, I just wanted to say that I miss her. She is a girl with attitude. She is cooler than cool. She's a butch who can wear the bejeezus out of a leather miniskirt. She does not tolerate fools. And she's generous to a fault. You should see some of the stuff she's sent me over the years. She payed for me to visit her in Key West when she was stationed there and I was poor.

Now I'm going to start reminiscing all over the place. 'Scuse me while I go smack myself in the head.


Finally, in what I consider to be the crowning achievement of this diary, I have discovered that I am the #1 hit for a Google search on kinky Catholic school girls. And if you search that, you'll find this entry.

Go Badsnake, go Badsnake!
*Doing the "I love kinky Catholic school girls" dance.*


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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