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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Late date report 2001-10-04 6:59 a.m. Here's the date report I promised to do last night. I started watching a show on Hitler and his use of the occult on TV last night and couldn't get into the right frame of mind for a sexy diary post. But now, I just dropped the girls off at the airport (How do you know you love your girlfriends? You're willing to get up at 5:30 a.m. to take them to the airport. That's how), and I'm missing them already. Sara mentioned that she started her period last night, which means that she'll be in her full-blown horniness swing when they get back on Sunday.

Oh, speaking of which, I told my masseuse yesterday that I'd had Jake flog me to ease some of the muscle tightness in my back. She'd never heard of doing that. "What do you use?"

"Um, a flogger."












Sara and I had a date on Friday night. We played with Julian and Eleanor. I don't remember as much about the date now as I would have last weekend, but there was good stuff.

I eased into the role by telling El that I'd injured myself earlier in the week. Bring a little reality into the part (my severe shoulder pain), and that way the character has a reason why he's in pain if it starts to interrupt the scene. It didn't, but it might have.

I told her that I'd been standing on a rooftop trying to be all mysterious creature of the dark-y, and some kids had come busting through the roof access door, surprising me. I'd lost my balance and tipped off the roof. I think Julian was having a Spike moment.

I told her that I'd stayed away from her because when I get injured, I have a harder time discerning between my own pain and that of my food. Harder to stop when I should. Now that I was mostly better, I needed to feed deeply. Eleanor told me that she'd been intending to do her laundry the following day. She wanted to know if she'd be able to be up and about by then, or would she be passed out at Julian's apartment. Julian offered to take her clothes to a drop-off laundry for her. She smiled and bared her throat. Ungh.

I fucked her and fed on her for about an hour and a half. Used one of my dicks for the first time since vacation I think. Played with her ass.

The best part was the last feeding. I was fucking her with my hand, and I told her that I wanted to bite her just as she was coming. I wanted her to be the one to press my teeth through the skin. I set my mouth on her right shoulder and brought her up to climax. When she came, she pressed down hard on the back of my head and started bucking up off the bed. God, that was hot. I found myself thinking about that moment on Monday at work and got wet in about one minute flat.

When we were done, we spooned up and I pulled the comforter over both of us. I let her doze for a short while, holding her body to mine, and then had to work to get her up and moving back home.

Casualty list: four towels, two condoms (or was it one?), one latex glove, two bed pads. The sheets and comforter survived unscathed.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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