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The way of the dodo 2001-07-26 7:45 a.m. Time to get off my Marriage Amendment high horse. And, I found out that Dichroic beat me to it by about two weeks. She has an eloquent rant on the subject herself. Go read it.

There was a priceless quote in the local newspaper yesterday. The topic was the Census and how some folks are bucking for a question that would identify the respondent as gay in the 2010 census. In the 2000 Census, gay couples were finally able to self-identify, so those stats are pretty interesting. They had a map of the areas around town with the densest concentration of gay couples, and there was ours, Lesbian Lane and the surrounding neighborhoods, a little medium-orange patch on the map far flung from the other concentrated areas.

But that only counts couples. Couples who were willing to check the little box that indicated that they are couples. So, since the percentage of the population that is gay has always been in contention, we say put us on the Census and we'll get a closer count. It still won't be everybody, but it'll be closer. But Kristin Hansen, spokesperson for the Family Research Council, is quoted saying, "The government has no right to ask people what they do in their bedroom."

Hello? Aren't you the same people who want to keep everything we do in our bedroom illegal? I suppose that statement isn't entirely hypocritical. I think the FRC would prefer that gay people were just completely invisible and hidden away and that no one would ever find out about our existence. That way, we couldn't recruit others into the queer fold. If kids never saw gay people on TV or read about them in books, they wouldn't know that homosexuality existed, and even if they felt same-sex attractions, it wouldn't occur to them what to do with those feelings or desires. They would think they were the only person who ever felt that way and live lonely miserable lives not flaunting their sexuality in normal people's faces. And then maybe we would just fade away entirely. Gay people would become extinct. Shyeah, right. Dream on, FRC.


So is anyone going to see "Planet of the Apes" soon? The make-up looks fabulous. They've done a really good job with the eyelids, which seems to me would be the hardest part of prosthetic masking. How do you glue latex to somebody's eyelid in such a way that it can stand a day full of blinking and still be able to be removed without physical damage?

I'm at home this morning waiting for the Direct TV installer to come. Giddy with anticipation. Every night I've been looking at the TV schedule to see what I could be watching if I had Direct TV already. Usually the choices were still pretty sucky, but there's stuff I want to catch. I want to watch "Six Feet Under" and "Sex in the City" on HBO. I want to see the forensic shows on Discovery. I think I'm preoccupied by enough other activities that I won't become a TV-head. Most of them still don't involve actual exercise, though. Got to get back into my walking routine.


I got nice kisses from Sara this morning. We're trying to figure out a time when we can have a date. She's all raring to go, and so am I, but our schedules, when you factor in Jake and Deb and the time with us that they deserve, are not meshing.

She and Jake are planning to go to Six Flags tomorrow afternoon when I'll be off, unless it rains. And then maybe we can have a date. Pray for rain. Or we might be able to arrange a weekend night, which would be exceptional. Meaning Saturday nights are usually reserved for primaries, and Sunday night is family night. Monday could be a definite, but that's into the next week's date time allotment. Deb has dibs on me for Tuesday. It would all be so much easier if we didn't have stupid jobs. I'd be homeless but sexually satiated.

I should be careful what I wish for. I didn't mean it. It's good to have a job.


Still waiting for Direct TV guy.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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