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Bad's Blog

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

The night I met Sera 2001-07-18 8:07 p.m. Man, work is slammin' for me these days trying to keep up with Terry's stuff and make sure everyone knows what they're doing. In a way it's kind of nice to have enough of a workload to keep me focused. If you don't give me enough to do, I wander around and put things off. If I've got a load, I get things done to get it over with. But my diary entries are suffering. You may see more evening posts from me for the time being.

I just finished reading "Demolition Angel" by Robert Crais. It rocked. I don't want to give anything away because I highly recommend it, but there was one thing that disappointed me. The personal relationship part was outside my realm of believability. Sara says it will make a kick-ass movie, and she's right.


I'll be spending a lot of my birthday weekend taking care of dogs. I'm taking care of the boys next door (including a possible vet visit for some persistent bloody runs�oh the excitement of the party-girl life) and the Jack Russells across the street.

Other than that, no big plans. I did promise Deb that we could go buy a bed frame on Sunday. She's tired of barking her shins on the futon frame.


Got to have a wonderful date with Sara last night. Remember the last date we had? Well, last night I played the same character as before, but Sara played one of the other characters that we had talked about, Sera. I named mine Etienne. The younger character we played with last week was Misha.

Sera is a saucy wench, and one of several wives of Etienne. She kept hinting that she wanted me to be much rougher. They hadn't been together in a while, though, and he just wasn't in the mood for that.

I got myself into one situation where I was playing with her with my left hand and hit a spot where she didn't want me to stop. Dammit. Idiot. What was I thinking even starting anything like that with my left hand? It began to give out on me. It wasn't so much hurting as just losing steam. And I couldn't switch to my right because I had used those fingers for some ass play just before. I gave it my all, which is fun in its own right. Like pushing yourself for the last lap of a race.

Anyway, we found out that Sera pretty much has Etienne wrapped around her little finger, but they both pretend it isn't so. I love the way these characters develop. I got an awesome blow job. She got fucked soundly in most every orafice and was still wanting more when it was time to quit. I like her. They're very good together.

We've started an in-character correspondence that just makes me grin from ear to ear. It's so fun to write in a pseudo period romance-novel character voice. Since we're in our own little alternate universe, that's what we adapted. It's a world full of rules on manners and appearances. And men who get to have lots of wives. It's fun playing him so nonchalantly piggish.

I guess you have to be there. And I know you wish you were.

Casualties: comforter, my briefs, my undershirt, three towels, two condoms (one ribbed), two latex gloves.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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