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Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Do they make an RU487 pill to purge tequila the day after? 2001-06-14 10:19 a.m. Well, I got hammered last night after work with my coworkers at the "Goodbye to Kris Wake" sort of thing we had going. Five margaritas over the course of three hours. At the time, I felt like it didn't really hit me until I got home, laid down and passed out. But I should've called Jake to come pick me up at the train station. Very bad me, not following my own rules.

When I did get home, the power was out in our neighborhood, so I went inside, lit some candles, called Deb and told her what had happened at work. Went to pee, used the last of the roll, and managed to get a new roll in total darkness and install it. Then I plopped down on the couch and that's all she wrote. I didn't hear Deb come home at all. I do remember Sara coming in to talk with me. I think she was saying goodbye in case I wasn't able to wake up this morning before they left town. I was severely speech impaired.

Then Deb (who'd been next door talking about her passed-out wife I guess) came back home, found me conscious for the first time, and found out that I hadn't had anything to eat since lunch. I requested nachos and she made them for me. She's so good to me. She also made me drink some more water (I'd had some at the bar and some when I got home).

Lots of hand pain in the night, so now I know getting plastered doesn't help.

No hangover this morning, and I was able to get up and spend about 30 minutes with the girls before Deb drove them to the airport.


One weird thing about Kris getting laid off. I'm reading Jamling Tenzing Norgay's book, "Touching My Father's Soul". He's the son of Tenzing Norgay, the Sherpa who summited Everest with Hillary in 1953. Jamling was on the IMAX team that went up Everest in 1996. Yesterday I read a passage about the Sherpas not liking the foreigners who are overconfident and cocky in their sureness that they will summit.

"Sherpas say that people who brag or become rich overnight are prone to a reversal of fortune ... Never gloat over good fortune, we say, for it will certainly be lost one day. The ripening of karma is sometimes predictable, but generally it is not, and the exact manner in which is ripens never is."

And I wondered if I had been too gloating and not thankful enough lately.

I am humbly grateful for my family, my friends, my home, my job, and my health. I have already had more good fortune than one person generally receives in a lifetime. Each day is a gift.

Those are usually "inside" thoughts. Just figured it would be good to write them out today.


I ran across this great game, Porn or Pony, yesterday while tracing back some Google hits. You try to guess whether the names on the list belong to a porn actor or a My Pretty Pony. I was only right about 20 percent of the time.

And speaking of Google hits, time to update the old card. I got "flying butt monkeys" and "pubic hair shaving" (that one several times over). So my updated card looks like this ...

winning card

Ummmm. Bingo!

I guess I'll keep the card going to see if I can't fill it completely one day. I get hits for "Janeane Garofalo pics" but not "Janeane Garofalo naked". Why is this?


Got a new question for my Den of Badsnakey Advice. None of you sent in suggested names for my advice column, so be warned that if you don't get cracking, I might just pick something retarded like the Den of Badsnakey Advice. The question is about the g-spot. Stay tuned for my answer.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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