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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

My other dress is pants 2001-05-11 11:41 a.m. I'm bleeding from both ends, sort of. I just finished giving blood, and, well, my page is red. Badsnake is O-positive.

I talked to my mom last night, and I'm going up to see her for Mother's Day. I'll get there late Saturday night, since I'm going to wait until Deb leaves for Germany.

Mom let me know that we may have to go to a memorial service on Sunday. Everybody is waiting for a friend of the family who had a bad fall to die. She's old, not good mentally anymore, and she had a living will that called for no resuscitation or life-saving measures. So she hasn't been able to eat or drink anything for more than a week, and they're thinking it's got to be any day now.

Anyway, I asked if I should bring something appropriate to wear to a service. Mom said yes. Then I started thinking about it and mused aloud that I wasn't sure where my dress is.

Mom, in her infinite sarcasm, says, "What do you mean 'dress'? Just pick out a different one and wear that." She knows I only have one dress. I had to buy it after my father died so that I'd have something to wear to his funeral. I'm gonna take slacks and a blouse now. That'll show her. A dress would look really weird with this haircut anyway. (As if ANY dress on me wouldn't look weird.) And I'm pretty sure I burned those pumps in a ceremonial fire.

So, you can see, a fun weekend is coming up. You probably won't hear from me between Saturday and Monday. Maybe I'll have energy to write something Sunday night.



Sara and I had a great time watching the last two "Boot Camps" back-to-back. And through the miracle of fast-forward, we finished the two episodes and had about a half-hour left to make out. Whee!

I'm glad the plotting parts of the game are over with and that it's down to just physical endurance and a jury of their peers.

The necking was great. Sara kissed on my neck again; somebody musta been reading my diary. *grin*

What ulterior motive?

And I teased her about what Jake and I will do to her when Deb's out of town. Yes, you read right. That's what I hinted at a couple days ago. All of the "okays" are in, and we have permission to have a date involving me, Sara, and Jake at the same time. We've done three of us before (me, Jake, and Deb), but not in this configuration. It should be fun.

*big grin*

I'll have plenty of time on the road to think about it and plan, too. Heh.

There are issues, of course. I have no idea what Jake's sexual style is like anymore. She's totally changed since she and I used to have sex. Guess I get to find out now, huh?

And Deb doesn't want to know ANY of the details, etc. She told me that if she asks about it when she gets back ... Did you get to do it? Did it go okay? Did you have a good time? ... she only wants Yes or No answers. No gushing, no elaboration. 'Sokay by me. I totally understand.


I joined a Top Sites list of Writings In Sexuality run by Gay Girl. Very nice of her to invite me. So you must go vote for me now. And check out the other sites. Go, sex talk! Rah! I'll promote that any time.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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