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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Extra Family 2001-05-10 11:29 a.m. Got a Google hit yesterday for "pepperoni + tits". WTF? Who searches on that?


Got a picture of cute Tony this morning.


Isn't he a honey? Or is my taste just all over the place?


We had company for dinner last night, Jake's brother Will and her best friend Ginny (the one whose kid has leukemia).

Will is one of those nice, handsome single dads that romance novel heroines would fall all over themselves for. Ginny's actually pretty damn hot, too. But she is happily married, so I refrain from making eyes at her or telling her how nice her legs are.

Both of them left their kids somewhere else. I doubt that this was arranged for my sake, but it helped with my stress level.

Now Deb had told me several times that Will and his daughter and Ginny and her husband and daughter might be over for dinner on Wednesday night, but I was persistant with my mental blockage and managed to forget all about it every time she reminded me. So when I walked up the driveway last night and saw Will and Ginny out in the back yard, I smiled, waved, and went inside and fixed myself a drink since I figured there were two little girls running around somewhere that I just hadn't seen yet.

But, the kids and the husband got left in Columbus, so I got to be a bit more myself, though still somewhat in unfamiliar territory. I don't know either Will or Ginny that well yet. They know me a little bit better now, though. Jake took each of them up into the attic dungeon to show them around. Both of them already knew about the whole "family" deal, but I doubt they were expecting to get the playroom tour. I don't know what got into Jake. I'm lucky that I was busy washing dishes and wasn't aware that she was giving the tour, or I'd have been blushing pretty seriously, I think.

Anyway, it was a fun, warm, friendly evening. Deb made the "chicken/pasta thing", which had tomatoes, spinach, black olives, and onions in it�and flat-out rocked. I played my new Carole King "Tapestry" CD for the first time; it brought back loads of memories. The mosquitos were not too bothersome. Everyone laughed and drank wine and looked at old photos of Will and Ginny and Jake when they were kids. And we took lots of pictures.

May 9, 2001 gathering with Will, Ginny, Jake, Sara, and Deb

May 9, 2001 gathering with Bad, Jake, Ginny, Will, and Deb


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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