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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Ask the cat if you should leave the chicken out on the counter 2001-05-07 10:29 a.m. It's a cool, breezy day here, and we hope to get rain soon. Already we need it.

I packed a lunch this morning and hauled in four 20 oz. Diet Cokes to get me through the week. Along with my briefcase (chocked full with a Photoshop book, my camera, and other assorted stuff) and thermos it added up to 21.8 pounds. I put it all on the mail scale when I got in to work. No wonder I get kinks in my shoulders.

I tried to set up the Epson 1280 printer first thing this morning but didn't get far. I need a USB cable, and it didn't come with its own. Dammit. So I have to wait a couple days for one to come in.


Monday is date night, and I'm really looking forward to it. Sara said she wanted Julian to float her out into the deep end of headspace for a while, and I'm certainly okay with that. With the pensive mood I've been in, it's a good plan.

I mentioned to Deb that I'd been craving sweets and other crap for a week now. She said it sounded like PMS to her, and she may be right.


I've been getting loads of Google hits lately, but nothing for my Bingo card. The best ones have been "Nerf crotch bats" (submitted to OddGoogle) and "Emma Thompson gagged".

And thanks to Lapisllong, who's been trying to score an Emma Thompsong Love Slave and other hits for me. I swear I didn't put her up to this. For some reason I seem to inspire love-slavish devotion. What can I say? Mwah.

And I have to mention the most elaborate lead-in to a fish joke I've ever seen. I'm really looking forward to this San Diego trip. I need to do some recon and find out what Miguelito's kitchen is like. If his toilet is a hellmouth, I'm not sure I want to look in the meat drawer.


And speaking of meat, last night Deb cooked the venison roast that Ricky and Lucy gave us in the Beer & Deer gift bag. (It's an appropriate gift for any occasion in the South.)

It was tr�s yummy. Deb sauteed some brocolli and cauliflower and oven baked slices of potato with paprika sprinkled on top to go with. Dessert was home made chocolate/chocolate chip ice cream.

And Deb bought a really cute, short, lightweight cotton nightgown at Target yesterday.

Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention that while we were at Target, a button on Deb's blouse came undone�the one between her tits, the one that always comes undone, right girls? Deb had asked me when she was getting dressed if she needed to wear a bra with that particular top. Of course I said, "no". She should know better than to ask me.

I looked up to see Deb walking toward me in the store, and there were the gorgeous orbs themselves. Not the whole orbs. Just an interesting circle of cleavage right in the middle. She got my attention. I didn't notice any stockboys tripping over themselves or anything, so I think I'm the only one who got the show.

Man, I love my life.

And I promise to be funnier or sexier in my next entries. Blame it on the imminent red page; I do.

Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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