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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Boot Camp Interruptus 2001-04-15 10:42 a.m. Well, Sara and I were all settled into the couch this morning to watch "Boot Camp" while the other girls were off at Homo Depot to get vegetable plants. Jake called early on to let us know that the Depot wasn't even open yet, and if we didn't see them in about 10 minutes, it meant they'd gone to one of the 24-hour locations. Again we settled into the show. Then the phone rang again.

Sara cursed a nice long string of invectives. I waited until she was through then picked up the phone and handed it to her. It was the police station calling to say there was a 48 (dead person) at a local hotel. Sara's on call this week. She told them she'd be right there, hung up, and started checking to see if she had a clean uniform.

Then she called Radio back and asked if it looked like natural causes or a homicide, so she'd know what she was in for. Just listening to her make that call and refer to herself by her last name and use those call numbers got me totally turned on. She is so sexy. I am a sick fuck.

So, I'm back home now, as are the girls, and we're waiting for Sara to call to let us know if we should hold brunch for her. Sigh.


Yesterday I walked almost six miles with Sara (I had to cut off about a 1/4 mile to do some more stretching and hook back up with her at a forward point). That's the longest distance I've gone in one session. I felt great.

I came home, showered, masturbated, took a nap then got up and mowed all the lawns on this side of our block. That's ours, Jake and Sara's front lawn, and the front lawn of the empty house for sale on the other side of us.

That house is under contract now. I saw the owner's sister yesterday, and she said a "single gentleman" is buying it, but that's all she knows. Cross your fingers for us that it's another fag on the block. That would rock. We would outnumber the straight people seven-to-five if that were the case.


Deb and I had steak for dinner last night, which was wonderful. I was craving a big slab of beef something awful. Then we watched BritComs and got sleepy pretty early. We've got a snuggling and maybe more date scheduled for this afternoon. It's the perfect day for it. Rainy and thundery.

Deb wanted to dig in the gardens this morning, but unless the lightning goes away, she won't be able to. I'd love a day just to hole-up and read.


The comics are a little too scary for kids this Easter Sunday. From the mildest to most scary, here are some examples.

From Nancy, Aunt Frizi has a meltdown ...

Fritzi goes nuts

copyright 2001 by United Features Syndicate, Inc.

From Curtis, Curtis's dad looks like evil dad from hell with his flaming head...

Curtis's dad's head catches fire

copyright 2001 by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

And the all-American comic Mark Trail features bloody Christ on the cross...

Christ on nails

copyright 2001 by North America Syndicate, Inc.

Happy Easter, kids! Hope you don't have nightmares about the IRS turning your parents into raging nutcases or any lasting images of Christ as a scary bloody limp dead guy.


Oh, and one more thing. The Spark's gender test guessed that I was a man. HA-hah! Stupid test.

Badsnake's da man


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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