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August Dreams
Zen Slut

Girl Jock Weekend 2001-04-02 9:24 a.m. Sorry I didn't update yesterday, but it was NOT a day to be sitting behind the computer. It was gorgeous, sunny, breezy. And I feel great this morning. I ran up half of the big long escalator steps just because I felt like it. I wasn't any more winded than if I'd just walked up like normal. Excellent.


On Saturday afternoon I went for a four-mile walk with Sara, then we took a break for showers and watched "Boot Camp" together. I have not been able to watch any other reality show for longer than 15 seconds. And I know I enjoyed this one more for the company. Sara just got so adorably squirmy when the Drill Instructors were screaming at and intimidating their charges. Yowza.

We'll have to record it again this week because Wed. has become the new family dinner night since Sara changed shifts. Deb and I had planned to go out for our anniversary dinner on Wednesday night, but the family calendar was getting complicated, so we moved it to Thursday, our actual anniversary.

And Sara and I got kind of busted making out after "BC." We were on the couch kissing, and Sara was on top of me, when the phone rang. It was Deb calling to check in from work. I decided not to throw Sara onto the floor to go answer the phone, but Deb left a really long message. Anyway, Deb called Jake immediately after and told her she hadn't got any answer at our house. Jake, apparently, just said, "uh-huh" in a meaningful tone, cause she knew we were there together.

It's not really a bad busted. We were just kissing and stuff 'cause Sara's page was still red, if you know what I mean.

After Sara went to work, I went over to the girls' house to watch TV and keep the dogs company while Jake and Deb had a date in our attic. I went over to their house at about 8:20 and Jake didn't come back home until midnight (they had dozed off after their date). I had stopped watching TV and tried to snooze on the couch until she came back.


Sunday was slightly different for us. We didn't have a family breakfast because Sara had gotten home from work so late that she slept way past lunchtime. Deb and I read the paper and ate breakfast together, did our taxes, and then moved outside to the back yard to read and eat some lunch. A pretty lazy morning.

In the afternoon, we all got off our butts and went to the Silver Comet Trail for Sara's 10-mile walk. The rest of us were on bikes, naturally.

Deb and Jake took off for their distance ride and I stuck with Sara, occasionally riding ahead about a mile or so and then riding back to wherever she'd progressed to. When her radio batteries wore out, I kept her company by telling her every detail I could remember from the "Medical Detectives" episodes I'd watched the night before. I was also carrying all the bottles of water and Gatorade in my bike satchel, so I played supply officer.

Deb and Jake hooked back up with us after S. had done about seven miles. I rode out with Deb for a bit. We did a quarter-mile sprint race or two. We yelled and cheered Sara when she got to the 1.5 miles-to-go point and then did more cheering when she made her 10 in less than three hours. I took a couple of pictures.

With our late start, we didn't finish at the trail until 8 p.m. It took us a while to stretch out and drive back home. Deb threw together a rockin' home made pizza, we took showers, and the whole family ate dinner together at 10 p.m. I could've chowed about twice as much pizza as I did. Deb and I went to bed at about 11:30.

I figured with all the exercise I got this weekend, and the sore ass from all the biking, I could skip my Spa Girls thing this morning. I wouldn't have gotten nearly enough sleep if I'd had to get up at 4:45. As it was, I had to get up at 6 a.m. just to have enough time to do all the dishes we'd dirtied on Sunday.

Sara and I (and possibly the rest of the fam) are going to watch the taped ep of "Buffy" that we all missed tonight (the one that's scheduled to rerun tomorrow night) and have our date on Tuesday night while Deb and Jake go to some Harley store and look for motorcycle boots for Jake.

Julian may have to take a back seat to the Masta Chief tomorrow night.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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