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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
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August Dreams
Zen Slut

Removing head from ass now 2001-03-02 10:56:07 Well, nothing like a pal with a debilitating disease to let you know what a self-involved ass you are.

This came from Lori this morning:

"I know you're busy today and looking forward to this weekend. Enjoy your time with Sara, as each minute is a gift."

See Badsnake humbled to the real world.

I miss seeing her and chatting down in the smoking area. I thought the next time I see a bunch of the smoking gals together I might take their picture and send it to her.


You'll be happy to know that I'm now moving out of my funk. Maybe I'll send some sexy e-mail to Sara today and hope for a response.

And the magazine is moving right along.

And yesterday evening I got a picture of pierced lawyer chick. She is such a hoot.

Pierced Lawyer Chick

Great nose. Have I mentioned that I have a thing about women with prominent noses? I do.


I just finished "The King is Dead," a Samantha Adams mystery by Sarah Shankman. Really enjoyed it. I might get one or two more of hers from if I get the urge. Lots of Southern eccentrics.

There's a character who's an eighty-year-old female crossdresser. Just like my great grandmother was. I am not shitting you. I'll post her picture sometime. I've got three pictures of her, and in two she's dressed like a man. She's fodder for her own entry one day.

I had been reading "Romeo," by Some Schmuck, but I put it down. It was a serial murder mystery, and of course the murderer and his victims were all tied up in sado-masochistic sickness. Evil, evil, bad S&Mers who are, of course, fucked in the head. I just got fed up with it.

And now I'm on "Careless Whispers," by Carlton Stowers, a true crime book about some teenagers murdered in Waco, TX, in the early '80s. I was getting a little annoyed with the author's editorializing and excessive use of adverbs, but I've gotten used to it now I guess, and I'm caught up in the story now.

Deb and I are still not finished with "Murder at the Vicarage." We can read one, maybe two chapters a night before one of us starts to fall asleep.

I also have a new fan who says I'm her hero in her profile. Oh dear. I'm not sure why. And yesterday someone spent hours going through at least 45 of my older entries. So listen, you person using, the new rule is, if you get involved with the story enough to go through more than 25 of my back entries, you have to sign the guestbook.

All right. That's it for now. I wanted to get something a little more upbeat on my page. My apologies to anyone who read this morning's pity post.


And one more thing ... Thanks to Abbey and Amante. You are my only readers with good taste and good manners.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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