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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

The Flying Butt Monkeys Want You! 2001-01-22 12:10:18 *sing/song* I've got a date tooonight, I've got a date tooonight. I'm looking forward to it, if you couldn't tell from the little song and dance. Yes, I was dancing too. Makes it hard to type though.

Deb had a date last night and came home looking so relaxed you'd think she'd done some ludes. Good job, Jake. I love it when she comes home from a sex date and gives me a big hug and says, "You are the best wife in the world." I try.

So I get a date tonight, but next Monday I suggested Jake and Sara have an evening to themselves. Selfless? No. Precautionary. They don't get to see each other much while Sara is on this schedule, and as soon as Sara starts training for the LAWT, they may have even less time, so I'm doing mild, preemtive caretaking.

See, we've had these episodes where I get cut off completely because Sara and Jake haven't gotten enough time together. I hate those times. I get really cranky. The family calls it a hiatus. I call it ... well, I don't know colorful enough expressions to describe how I feel about these times. Gawain, my swearing role model, could probably come up with something appropriate. Let's just say I'd rather gouge my eyes out than go through another hiatus anytime soon.

So you can see why I don't want to hog all of Sara's free time.


I did some bedframe shopping on Saturday and found that if we want a really cool, old bed (as opposed to one of the crappily made modern ones, the crappy ones being the ones we could afford), we may have to switch from queen size to full. So Deb and I hauled our queen futon up to the attic, and hauled down the full-size mattress from the extra bed upstairs, and tried it out for size last night.

Not too bad.

The mattress sucks, though not as bad as a motel one, but there seemed to be enough room for both of us to get a good night's rest without kicking each other. We're going to keep sleeping on it for awhile and see how it works out.

A full-sized bed would sure take up a lot less room in the bedroom, and that would be nice. The other extra-plus bonus is that my smelly old dog can't get on the bed 'cause it's too high. Amazingly, I was able to fall asleep last night without waves of dog stank invading my nostrils like usual. How 'bout that?


I got a new toy from work to play with. It's a Rube Goldberg kind of device that lets you take a 360 degree panoramic shot with any camera using a magic black box and mirrors. Of course, that's the technical explanation, but I just don't know how to put it in layman's terms for you. I have enough fairydust for several shots, so suggestions for panoramic subjects are welcome.


I'm really loving the latest Larell K. Hamilton book. Possibly even more erotic than her earlier ones. And the scary stuff is great, too. If anyone knows how to correctly pronounce "sidhe," let me know. I think it sounds like "sid" or "seed." It may be "sid-hey." Hamilton uses it in a quote from "The Three Little Pigs" to replace the word pig, so I'm leaning toward "sid," which would rhyme better.


I got some time to play with the site on Saturday. Like the new title? I want to replace the "new/old/contact/diaryland" shit, too. I don't know if I have to make an image map, or should do slicing in Image Ready, or if I can just use individual image links. I've never done an image map before. I'd also like to look for a pretty cool graphic to use, but nothing is coming to mind. I need to find one of those "Don't Tread On Me" snake drawings.

But you see, Badsnake doesn't really have anything to do with actual snakes. It's more a state of mind. When you say it, it should sound like an affectionate remonstration. So I've got a lot of leeway available for visuals.


Flying Butt Monkeys. I've been wanting to use that phrase for days now and haven't figured out how to work it in to any context. Flying butt monkeys would, of course, be the monkeys that fly out your ass when something impossible happens. If it's not already a band name, I hereby claim this phrase as my own. I have a letter on its way to the U.S. Copyright Office. Really. Flying butt monkeys flyingbuttmonkeys flyingbuttmonkeys. My legions of fans will from now on be referred to as The Legion of Flying Butt Monkeys. There. Now I can find some context for it.

Damn. It IS a band name. *hitting forehead* Next [thwack] time [thwack] do [thwack] the [thwack] Google search [thwack] first. Stupid band. Somebody stole my great drag name, too. Tequila Mockingbird. I know I thought of it first.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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