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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Hot Pix, Czech Cops 2001-01-12 12:58:32 We got the contact sheet back! Sara's pleased; I'm pleased; Jake and Deb are pleased. Really, they turned out pretty damn good for a beginning photographer, model and home light set-up.

The progression of the photos really is astounding. You can see Sara get more and more relaxed in front of the camera. The first pic we shot looks like a horrible, naked driver's license photo. In the last frame, Sara is happy, sexy evil in a yummy package. There's one frame that, while I was looking at the big scanned version, just made me go, "Ungh," and shift around in my chair a bit.

Can you see them? Hell, no. Mineminemineminemine.

Wet now.


Thursday night's soup (still floaty): chicken stock base, chicken, kale, lentils, onions, garlic, tomatoes, chili powder, and green chilis. Num.

Deb made dinner for Jake and me last night. We had a cozy evening. Watched Gilmore Girls. I got turned on watching Lorelai kiss Mr. Medina. Then washed dishes.

Deb made Coffee Heath Bar ice cream. Hoo boy. That stuff packs a caffeinoramic punch. Jake tried a bite and said it could just about replace the vibrator. She likes her ice cream on the harder side, though, so she took some home with her to wait until it got more frozen. It's good shit, man.


I'm home alone tonight. I still haven't called my Mom. Yeah, I suck. I need to vacuum tonight, too. Wooooo. Party at my house.

Oh, yeah. I finished the Deaver book. Teeensy weensie spoiler follows. All the twists and turns were explained in the end, but it still went way beyond the boundaries of plausibility, even if you cut him some slack. And I can't believe he used not one, but TWO "Let me explain all of my involvement in the evildoings before I kill you" speeches from a bad guy.

I picked up Jill Barnett's "Wicked" and I'm liking it better. And Sara has loaned me "Girls On Film," so I'll be into that soon, too. Other goals for the weekend? I'd like to sit down and screw around with my diary site to see if I can make it look less pre-formatted. I might go into the Diaryland chat area and see what that's like. (I'd really like to get a bigger audience, and if whoring around in some chat rooms will do it, I'm not proud. Yesterday I submitted my site to Google.)

I can't chat from here because my stupid PowerMac G3 is still on system 8.1 and it won't work. Can you believe it? I didn't know they were even making G3s while that system was still around. Gripe fuckin' gripe. At home I've got sys9, but a slow-ass modem. Some trade-off.

Maybe I'll watch the other half of my "Cops: Prague" video so I can post my review. Here's a little glimpse of the hot, studly action on this tape: I'm pretty sure one of the fuckers was chewing gum while he was not-so-enthusiastically pounding away on a fuckee. Chewing gum with his mouth OPEN. Ewww. Why have I only watched half? Because I was able to get off while I watched it, but then it put me to sleep. I think my orgasm was due more to my imagination that what was happening on screen.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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