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Deaver schmeaver 2001-01-11 17:34:17 No big exciting news today, except that the book I'm reading, "The Empty Chair" by Jeffery Deaver, is really starting to piss me off.


Spoiler Alert


It's like Deaver decided to take his really cool, intelligent female character, Amelia Sachs, and beat her up with a stupid stick before the novel started. I think he whacked Lincoln Rhyme with it a couple times, too.

And every Southern character introduced in the novel? *Slam* I'm a stupid sterotypical redneck; I want to go kill me sumpin'. *Splat* I can't help but drool all over myself if I see a pair o' tits. *Whomp* If I run across a girl in distress who's injured and dehydrated, I'ma gonna rape her good. Du-huh, da-huh. But first I'ma gonna go run a mile through the woods to get my buddy so he can get in on the helpless girl humpin', too.

But at the same time, a trio of these cornpones (moonshiners, actual moonshiners for fucking chrissakes, who in real life would not give a rat's ass about tracking these fugitives) are able to track the fugitives just as quickly�no, faster� than Lincoln and his brilliant deductive abilities and the rest of the local police with indigenous backwoods survival skills and knowledge of the territory.

And he's got Amelia making the worst possible decisions in the world. I'm just waiting for her to ask the killer to hold her gun, handcuff her, and fuck her in a patch of poison ivy.

**The exception is the "helpless girl," who does make some smart moves.**

I'd put the ass-sucking book down if I didn't want to make sure he's not doing some "it was all a bad dream that this writing didn't live up to the standard of my previous books" ending.

Bite me, Deaver.


Remember me thinking I might get to have sex with my wife last night. Nope, not that lucky. Maybe this weekend.


With luck, and if everything goes as planned, this evening I'll get the contact sheet from my photo session with Sara. Jake is going to pick it up on her way home before she picks up Deb (carpool day). I told Deb she's not allowed to look at them. I get to look first, then I can tell Sara if they suck or not, and then Sara can decide if she wants to share them with anybody else.

But, if they're good, I can scan the negatives and send a few to my incomparable Crazy Uncle Joe, who traded us a Buffy episode that we missed in exchange for nude pics of Sara.

Joe, they still haven't let me watch that tape. They're hoarding it until they watch a previous episode that they missed. I've seen that previous episode. Why do I have to wait? Huh?

Answer me, Legionairres!

'Kay. End of whine.

Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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