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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Trade Negotiations 2001-05-09 10:36 a.m. I really enjoyed Buffy last night, especially the Buffy, Queen of the Desert sequence with the RV. It would've been better when they were fighting on the RV roof if there had been a giant pump glued to the top. And lots of big, long scarves. I could've done without the Xander car-sickness. Nobody likes to see that, even if it is character development. I dug Spike's black goggles. Anya with the frying pan was excellent.


Still no sign of the mysterious "single gentleman" who bought the house next door. By the time we do see him, I'll be expecting a U-haul loaded with boxes of earth, coffins, and cobwebby candelabras.

I saw Ricky waiting for Lucy in the train station parking lot yesterday. We both knew that if I gave him a lift home, Lucy would be on her way and not see us. Confusion would ensue. But I was hoping she would still be at home, having forgotten to pick him up, so that I could run over there and say, "Lucy, there's this really cute guy just hanging around in the Marta lot. If you don't want him, I'm going to go get him." She wasn't.


Deb fixed an excellent dinner last night using the leftover venison roast. We had deer chunks sauteed in a creamy jalepeno sauce over noodles with fried okra on the side. Oh, god, that was good.

By the time Deb had cooked and we had eaten and I had done dishes, Angel was halfway over. We finished watching that and went to bed.

I had to get up early this morning for my Spa Girls walking. Friday I have to get up even earlier. One of the Girls I walk with has to leave her house earlier for work nowadays, so we have to stretch at home and start the walk at 5 a.m. instead of starting the stretching at 5:15. That means I'll need to wake up at about 4:40 a.m. We'll see. I may just have to walk by myself on the track or something.


I can't quite say anything yet, but there may be something fun in the works for those of us who will be missing Deb's sweet company while she's in Germany.

It's still in the negotiation/thinkin'-about-it phase, though, so it's not a done deal. It would just be mean of me to tell you about it when there's still a chance it won't happen. Well, of course, even if we do decide "yes", there's still a chance it won't happen. You know how plans change in this family.

I saw Sara in her uniform for a minute or two this morning. We talked a bit and grinned at each other like crushed-out idiots. Hmmm. It's good to be so loved.

Tonight's family dinner night. I think we're having regular spaghetti with meat sauce, but it will be kick-ass regular spaghetti with meat sauce.

And speaking of which, this morning I was dreaming that I was Buffy and was literally kicking someone's ass, as in actual boot-to-butt ass kicking.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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