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Your first set of clues 2001-03-04 19:50:07 WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE DEB AND JAKE, day 1

Here are your clues:

OK. All fears allayed.

I found out/remembered last night that I had a chiropractor appointment at 11:45 and a vet appointment for Katie at 1:20. Then I found out that Sara had a one day schedule switch today, and was going to work from 3-11 instead of 7-3. This morning I rescheduled Katie's vet appointment to 3:40 so that I could have a bit of time with S. before she had to go to work.

Deb and Jake left shortly after I returned from the chiro, and I was over at Sara's quicker than you could unroll a condom. Okay, I finished a sandwich first. So, quicker than you could unroll a condom really slowly.

We had one short hour before she had to leave. But it was a good one.

She's still bleeding enough to have to use a tampon, so there wasn't any actual penetration. But oh my god did I get her wet.

She basically layed out her plans for total submission and urged me to be, basically, the biggest fucking brute I could possibly be (not quite an advertising slogan for the U.S. Army, but it could be), and I whispered really nasty demands and plans into her ear.

I demanded that she hump my hand until she got off, and she did.

It was kind of a speedy get to know each other again and sex strategy session. I feel like I'm back in touch with Sara's sexual side, and the strategy is that I get to do whatever the hell I want.

For readers who don't know bottoms, this means that she gets what she wants as well.

Alas, the hour ended all too soon. Sara went to work. And in the 20 minutes before I had to leave for the vet's, I jumped in bed, inserted Denzel like he was the size of a pinkie (not really, but it was pretty easy), grabbed the vibrator and gave myself one of the hardest orgasms I've ever had. In about 2 minutes.

So, where in the world are Deb and Jake? Put your guesses in the guestbook.

Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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