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If I had a gavel, I'd kill Amelia Earhart 2001-01-27 07:05:54 It's Saturday morning and I've been up since about 5:45. That would be Molly wanting to get fed early and me not being awake enough to question her internal clock until I was already up and had pants on. Dumb cat sticking her claws in my scalp.


A big shout out to Mangoes for picking my Stupid Smoker Tricks story as her quote of the day. Thanks, girl. You made my morning all wiggly and happy. Special happy dance in honor of the woman named for a sweet, succulent fruit. Today's entry isn't the most exciting ever, so if you're a newcomer to my world, I suggest you read my profile and a few back entries to get a better impression of my life.


So I was right. Sara had no idea that I'd actually been in bed with her yesterday morning. She hadn't gotten to sleep until about 5:50 am, and I paid my little visit around 6:45. She apologized profusely and told me to try again next time. Can you believe it? I just love that girl.

They put auditing type software on the one Internet active computer at her job, so she can't update her own diary from there anymore, or read mine. Dammit. Now she has to use some of her precious daylight waking hours for Net cruising.


I was reading Sinnamon's news about her role in The Vagina Monologues and had a flashback to one of my college performances in Chamber Music by Arthur Kopit.

I played The Woman with a Gavel (Susan B. Anthony). I remember the student director cast me because he had a dream that I would play that part. I think he would've cast me even if I'd totally sucked at the audition. Of course, I didn't.

The play is about a bunch of women in an insane asylum who all think they're someone famous, except Amelia Earhart, who really is who she thinks she is. I really wanted to play the Gertrude Stein or the Joan of Arc character. But Susan B. was a meaty role, and really one of the craziest of the lot. In the end, we all kill Amelia. Yes, it's a frikkin' weird-ass play.

I had a lot of respect for the woman who played Joan of Arc. She was one of two really good actresses in the program. I can't remember her name for the life of me now, but her looks always reminded me of Annie Potts.

She played Curley's Wife in "Of Mice and Men," and in the scene where Lennie kills her, the actor, a huge guy perfect for the part, would pick her up by her head and she would hang on to his wrists while he shook her like a rag doll. It was visually harrowing.

I used to love working in the theatre. I had enough credits for a theatre major in college, but not in the right classes because I just did all the fun stuff. I haven't even been to a play since I saw an Athol Fugard production here years ago.


I finished reading A Kiss of Shadows Thursday night and picked up Waking the Moon again. I've got whiplash from the difference in pacing.

Kiss of Shadows is a like being on a rollercoaster that fucks the bejeezus out of you (in a good way) as you rocket along. Switching from that to Waking the Moon is like stepping off the coaster and into a patch of tar. Poetic, mystical, beautifully descriptive, complex tar, but tar all the same as far as action goes.


India earthquake relief effort. I honestly don't know which of these organizations is most efficient. I don't have any particular ties or affiliations with India or the Indian community. I just know that I can't even fathom 7.9 and the resulting destruction, and that I have the means to help in a small way.


Doctors Without Borders

Oxfam America

American Red Cross


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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