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Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

The Countdown 2001-01-17 10:43:22 I STILL haven't taken down the cross. I was too tired to do it last night. So, I'll leave work at noon, and do that first thing when I get home. It'll just take a socket wrench and a few minutes. No problem. Unless Mom comes three hours early. *shudder to think*


Got a nice little sex and self-image bump this morning with a visit to Sara. When I let Katie out for her morning squat, I noticed Jake had left for work already. Sara was in their study, looking at the computer, so I waved my arms around to catch her attention. She asked if I had time for a visit.

I had a sink full of dishes that needed washing, and I had to cook rice for the dog, and then there's that showering and remembering to comb my hair stuff that still had to be done. OF COURSE I had time for a visit.

I put on rice and coffee at home and slipped back next door. It was great. Sara was in her really adorable "Eat At Joe's" pajamas, the ones with the shorts that have really big, easy access leg holes. The ones she apparently doesn't always wear underwear with. *grin*

We had short, satisfying, multi-orgasmic, no splashing sex and snuggling for about 20 minutes, and then it was time for me to go.

She told me, "You are one sexy hunk of butch, and don't let your mother make you feel bad about that." Awwwwww. My family loves me so much. I know Deb will speak very similar words to me this afternoon before Mom gets here. It's so good to have so many people to take care of me.


Dinner was a Sara and Jake's house last night. We watched Tristan Taormino on MTV's history of sex in music video or something like that. We've been longtime admirers of Tristan and her work, but she came off quite flaky in her commentary. Too bad. She's the one who gave us the tip about using the big bed pads to help keep things tidy when dealing with gushy female ejaculation. Um. I mean MegaSex Female Power Spray.

I set my drink on the floor before dinner. One of the dogs, Tyler, launched off the couch and knocked it over when Deb knocked on the door, thus getting a big splash of cola on the bottom skirt of Jake and Sara's really fabulous Mitchell Gold couch. Shit. Jake was cool about it though. The covers are washable, and I think it should come out okay.


That's about it for this morning. I'm feeling kind of calm. Not too anxious at all. And so was Deb this morning. It's amazing. Usually she would be freaking out about the state of cleanliness (or lack of it) at the house before a visit from my mother, but she's really not sweating it this time. I'm so proud of her.

Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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