
oh my god! martha and i were totally having the same conversation about how you guys would do on Frontier House (cause we watched all 6 hours of it yesterday afternoon like the dorks we are), and how much fun it would be to get caught stealing eggs from the Rancho's chicken coop... and how if anyone ever acted as creepy as gordon clune, they'd have to be shot. for their own good. :)
anat - 2002-05-06 16:36:57

I'd have a great time running a frontier household--provided I lived in a slave state.
Miguelito - 2002-05-06 16:37:31

hhmmm . . . Roni'd be bit by something since she's such a princess and would spend the rest of her life hiding in the attic, looking pretty, waiting for to grow up and get carried back to the city by a man. Angel would chop wood and kill things with his bare hands. for fun. i'd cook, clean, hunt, fish, sew, doctor, etc . . . i'd always wanted a sod house built into the hill like in the Little House series of books. i could even sing and stuff on the long winter nights! and i'm MAKE paper and ink and have a journal! it'd be fun for me, hell for them.
mis - 2002-05-06 19:33:04

No toilet paper and no feminine hygiene products? HELL NO!
Sherbo - 2002-05-07 09:09:22

For shelter, a tent in the woods would do. Then I would scope out the Rancho, taking copious notes on paper I swiped from mis when they weren't looking. Food? Just tell Deb how lucky she is to have such a wonderful, sexy wife. One so strong and brave and willing to please. How her face lights up when Deb walks in the room. Hopefully that will sway her to feed me. Then when hell is over I will have the makings of a world epic movie, with sequels. See what that kind of stuff makes? Now who to star as Badsnake?
merelan - 2002-05-14 11:01:08



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